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 In depth maps of the dalelands? (or all of Faerun?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DewnMoutain Posted - 27 Oct 2023 : 02:43:48
hey there,

im wondering if anyone knows of where i could find some highly detailed maps of the dalelands? When i was planning my Metallica campaign, i decided to start the adventure in the Dalelands, and am currently thinking id have the entire campaign take place in the greater dalelands area. Only problem is, the maps i have found online show just the hot spots of the dales. But, when i was first figuring out where the game would take place, i came across the country of Halruaa. I found the Forgotten Realms wiki, and upon reading the webpage, i noticed that there was an awesome 1e or 2e map. but going to the dalelands webpage on the wiki, it just shows what id assume to be the 4th ed map, but it again only has the hot spots.

map of Halruaa found next to the geography tab for reference.

and by that token, does anyone know if there is a repository of realm maps? can be any edition, but prefer 1, 2, and 3. Love the old school look.

thanks much.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Marc Posted - 02 Nov 2023 : 18:07:41
also this map by Handsome Rob

another version:
Azar Posted - 30 Oct 2023 : 01:19:40
Aside from the 1993 Dalelands supplement, there is a good "old school" map in the 2e Forgotten Realms box set (both the 1993 original and the 1996 revised re-release).
Athreeren Posted - 28 Oct 2023 : 04:41:57
These days it is Werthead who is making the most detailed maps of the Realms. I was not able to find a map of the Dalelands, but his general map of Faerūn does detail that area and could be a good starting point.

Also, have you looked at the map with the pins on the wiki?
ElfBane Posted - 27 Oct 2023 : 23:38:51
Markustay is pretty much on Deviant Art these days. Here's a link...
Ayrik Posted - 27 Oct 2023 : 19:37:00
You might want to google the name "Markustay".

He is/was one of the great scribes here at Candlekeep (although he has been conspicuously absent from the keep for some time now).

And he is/was one of the foremost cartographers of the Realms. Many other esteemed scribes and masters at the keep - including some of WotC's own game designers and authors - have, on occasion, consulted Markustay (or his maps) to locate things in the Realms.

Not every place found on M's maps is necessarily found in the Realms. And not every place found in the Realms can be found on M's maps. But I'm of the *opinion* that his maps are basically the closest thing to "canon" and authority that you'll find not published by TSR/WotC (if that's something which concerns you).

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