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Lukas Kain

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Posted - 27 Apr 2014 :  09:46:01  Show Profile Send Lukas Kain a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, George has said in the non-too-distant past that he has a bigger sandbox than most people think.

George, I had a few questions:

1) What are some (more) of the names of noble families living in Impiltur, and maybe some general history of them? I know of families like the Dintersans, Starsunders, Wealhavens, Forgecrowns, and Relindars (and I suspect a few more might be Evenoak, Drelnorth, Brandosk, ect.), I was just wondering what some others are and if they are "old blood" or newer. I understand you likely left many vacant for GMs to fill in as needed.

2) I got to thinking about some name associations, and I realized that the Citadel of Conjurors was known as Dun-Orthass. In the same region is Vordric Dun, an Impilturn mining city, and across the water there's of course Dun-Tharos. I was just curious what part 'Dun' played in the namings of Imperial Narfell. Was it like a regional code?

3) On the topic of Vordric Dun, assuming it is in some way related to Ancient Narfell, does that imply it's built on ruins of some kind?

4) Lastly, and this might be bigger than I thought it was going to be, but what are some large, brushstrokey ways of making the major cities of Impiltur (Hlammach, Dilpur, and Sarshel specifically) seem very unique from each other (for the player's sakes)?

Just to throw it out there, I'm in no huge rush for these answers; I figure I'm being presumptuous as it is already. By the way, the lore this year has been amazing; many of my unasked questions and wonderings were answered. Thank you George.
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 04 May 2014 :  03:41:22  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by mikemax
A couple of additional questions for you:
1. Can the vessels be moved to extend or contract the wards?
2. Who does the spell warn if the vessels are touched? I'd assume that they'd need to be keyed to either the Royal line or to the progeny of Soargar himself or something like that since Soargar probably realized that he couldn't outlive a demon.

The vessels can be moved but that doesn't extend or contract the wards. What moving or removing the vessels does is weaken the ward - which is why Soneillon has been able to use her spells and magical effects on people and places in Impiltur over the recent centuries, whereas when the spell was first cast it prevented her from doing anything within the warded area, including casting spells into it, scrying etc. Successive Mage Royals deduced this and so tracked down as many of the vessels as they could (some are buried deep underground and otherwise inaccessible) and put warding spells on them, versions of 'watchware' and other similar spells to prevent tampering.

The vessels do however have one mystery guardian. A watchghost that appears when a serious attempt to move or destroy one of the vessels occurs. Not seen for many decades (the Mage Royals have done a decent job on securing the remaining vessels), the watchghost appears as an old, wizened female of grim mien, long hair down to her ankles, wearing robes but barefoot and wielding a staff with a carved unicorn head at its tip. She furiously attacks anyone seeking to move or destroy one of the vessels and is relentless in her pursuit of would-be thieves and ransackers. Who or what she is unknown.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 04 May 2014 :  04:08:11  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dazzlerdal
I was wondering if you had any thoughts on cross links for Impiltur and Damara (or had already come up with cross links already). I figure Damara is probably not all that friendly with Narfell so the only real neighbour to affect it in anyway is Impiltur. Have you got any lore nuggets stashed away linking nobility or royalty in Damara that i could use? In fact anything at all on Damara would be helpful.

I must confess that I've been planning to "do" Damara for a long time, and certainly cement connections and ties with Impiltur, but have made only a little progress.

If I'd had a bit more time, I would have done a mini-lineage for the kingdom for GHotR (Narfell and Raumathar got preference - sorry!).

I had planned to have one of the Damaran kings marry a daughter of Velimbrar, the fourth son of Imphras II in or about 1255-ish DR (Imbar II is of Velimbrar's line) and prior to that, to have one of the Damaran princes die with King Imbrar I (thereby causing issues between the two nations for several generations).

On Damara generally, I'd always been of the view that Damara as a region existed from the time of the retreat of the Great Glacier (i.e. c. 1038 DR) and that all Feldrin did was ride in with a bunch of mercenaries and establish the first real fortress city and call himself "king". I would say that Feldrin and his successor were king in name only, ruling only a portion of the territory now known as Damara (likely the current Barony of Polten and the Barony of Morov) until Imphras defeated the hobgoblins (who laid waste to Damaran lands before surging south and ultimately unsuccessfully laid siege to Heliogabalus (btw, awful, awful name IMHO) at the same time. The defeat of the hobgoblins gave the Bloodfeathers and Damara the breathing space to expand, fortify, defeat rivals and really establish a kingdom. That process would likely have taken the better part of a decade (i.e. up until 1105 DR or so).

After that it would have been a peaceful procession of kings, and the son of the Velimbrar daughter would likely have been the first paladin king of Damara, with King Virdin being his grandson.

Anyway, lots of room to play. I personally wouldn't necessarily play up the Zhengyi angle until the 14th century DR, but YMMV.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 04 May 2014 04:10:50
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 04 May 2014 :  07:48:28  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well my thoughts went down some different angles but im glad we have similar thoughts on the founding. I actually think the heliogabalus name is Nar in origin. It reminds me of bildobaris somewhat and we have Nars in steppenhall.
I think I know who to have marry into imphras' line as well so thankyou.

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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 06 May 2014 :  09:40:10  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hi George,

I have hit a bit of a problem in my Damara timeline. When things start to get difficult for Damara is also when Impiltur is going through its own problems (1160's).

Now given what i have had happen it means the only opportunity for any form of dynastic union between Impiltur and Damara is 1150 DR. However looking at the dates that is the time between Imbrar dying in the giantspire mountains without an heir and Ilmara becoming queen before marrying Rilaun and producing an air to the Heltharn dynasty so probably no kids available during that time.

Now i note that the Impiltur lineages do not include any details of daughters (unless they become heir for whatever reason) but i dont think Imbrar had any daughters. Therefore i am forced to make the dynastic union between my King of Damara (Veldrin) and a grand niece of Imphras I of Impiltur.

Any thoughts on this. I'm assuming Imphras had other relatives. If of course he had a daughter or two (other than Ilmara) then that would be even better because i could have a more direct link between Impiltur and Damara but i fear that may give Damara more of a claim on Impiltur's throne and when we get to the problems with Talryn, Lashilmbrar, and Imphras. The question would be why didnt Damara's line attempt to claim the throne.

So any thoughts on Imphras having a sister, or daughters other than Ilmara that i could use? Just a yes no is sufficient (a name would be even better) although i suspect you have a brief writeup of every king and direct relative for the entire Impilturan dynasty.

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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 06 May 2014 :  18:58:16  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm sorry to say that by the time Imphras was crowned king he had no living siblings. Similarly, Imbrar and Ilmara were his only children.

Also, given that FR9 specifically notes that Feldrin had a "long, unbroken line of kindly heirs", I'm intrigued as to just what problems the realm may have been going through in the 1160s DR. Do tell.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 06 May 2014 :  19:20:40  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well I kept the line unbroken but I have a war with demons in Vaasa (earthquake in Sossal and demoncysts also unleashing horrors on Vaasa) as one major event. Then I have a Nar witch as a behind the scenes manipulator using Damara for her own ends. She offs a few kings and enslaves a few more.

Even if Imphras' siblings were dead by the time he was king they might have had children that would be slightly related to Imphras (although have no claim to the throne which would be helpful), they in turn might have had their own children and so on. Pretty please with cherries on top.

I figure no kingdom has an easy time of it in the first few centuries and so why should Damara get off lightly.

I even have a new holy order for Ilmater based around the idea of suffering for the redemption of past acts and thereby regaining their honour and powers (i.e. only fallen paladins and those that have to atone for their actions may join the order and they typically end up on life or death missions to redeem themselves).

Of course I could just send you the draft if you fancy a look at it. I am in the process of writing up Damara in detail for my Alternate Dimensions fan mag so I have a full line of kings (name and general personality), regalia, and the main antagonist all detailed.

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Edited by - Gary Dallison on 06 May 2014 20:05:22
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 06 May 2014 :  19:46:48  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The troubles really start with the Feldrin II of Damara who becomes insane and paranoid who severs diplomatic ties with Impiltur before his heir kills him to prevent a war. The heir was a paladin and founds the Order of Fallen Princes (name is a work in progress). All this happens around the time of Imbrar's ill fated march

The murdering paladin heir is exiled for treason and the younger son becomes king who has to go through a war with demons in Vaasa. Impiltur is unable to help because of its own troubles (and past issues with Damara). The Order of Fallen Princes with the former crown prince in charge help Impiltur in their rebellion and in return Impiltur aids Damara against Vaasa.

Then suddenly the king and his son are killed in suspicious circumstances (although nothing can be proven) and the grandson of the claims the throne. He is a mind slave to the main antagonist in Damara and is incapable of independent thought. Through magic he is kept alive until the age of 124 (he even fathers a child in his late 80s).

He is finally killed by his son who hires a cabal of mages to murder him. The evil of the antagonist is exposed and Virdin becomes king.

Of course I have hidden a few secrets in the timeline.

I just liked your idea of a link with the throne of Impiltur. They are neighbours after all, and such dynastic marriages were commonplace in real world history.

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Lukas Kain

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Posted - 05 Jun 2014 :  03:13:49  Show Profile Send Lukas Kain a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lukas Kain

George, I had a few questions:

1) What are some (more) of the names of noble families living in Impiltur, and maybe some general history of them? I know of families like the Dintersans, Starsunders, Wealhavens, Forgecrowns, and Relindars (and I suspect a few more might be Evenoak, Drelnorth, Brandosk, ect.), I was just wondering what some others are and if they are "old blood" or newer. I understand you likely left many vacant for GMs to fill in as needed.

2) I got to thinking about some name associations, and I realized that the Citadel of Conjurors was known as Dun-Orthass. In the same region is Vordric Dun, an Impilturn mining city, and across the water there's of course Dun-Tharos. I was just curious what part 'Dun' played in the namings of Imperial Narfell. Was it like a regional code?

3) On the topic of Vordric Dun, assuming it is in some way related to Ancient Narfell, does that imply it's built on ruins of some kind?

4) Lastly, and this might be bigger than I thought it was going to be, but what are some large, brushstrokey ways of making the major cities of Impiltur (Hlammach, Dilpur, and Sarshel specifically) seem very unique from each other (for the player's sakes)?

Just to throw it out there, I'm in no huge rush for these answers; I figure I'm being presumptuous as it is already. By the way, the lore this year has been amazing; many of my unasked questions and wonderings were answered. Thank you George.

Hey George. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on these? I'm trying not to be impatient, so as always take your time. In all honesty, at this point the most pressing question for me is number 4, the brush-stroke one. I just want a means of telling the major cities apart besides their name and farming tendencies.
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 Jun 2014 :  09:17:36  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm really sorry Lukas. It's been "busy". I've had some random thoughts on your questions (in between work, kids and life in general)and promise you'll get a response on the weekend. After all these years I am still somewhat amazed that anyone would care enough about my musings to wait on them. Thanks for being interested. I'll try and do better for you and the other one or two people who read this thread!

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 05 Jun 2014 :  09:29:56  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well another one is definitely me and as always i'm very excited for some George lore.

I think you will probably find a lot of people wait on your opinion in certain matters (the north, impiltur and narfell to name but a few).

I might be back soon with some requests for Narfell, from ancient times through to modern. It seriously needs some fleshing out (not the ancient Narfell, but that is all ruined, im talking about what Narfell is like now - a few tribe names and a mountain arent really enough detail on a country as huge as Narfell)

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Lukas Kain

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Posted - 05 Jun 2014 :  12:08:16  Show Profile Send Lukas Kain a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wanted to wait sufficient time and only said something because I thought you might have missed them. It might be odd, but I kindda consider you my guru for my grand campaign. All said, I didn't mean to lay on guilt or anything; honestly I figured you'd just missed my post so I thought I'd throw it back out there. I've always been amazed by the support the Realms have received by its fan base and creators, so just being able to ask "the guy" who essentially designed the region I'm focusing on questions which naturally crop up -and- get well-researched and detailed responses leaves me with great contentment and patience.
So please George, by all means take as long as you need. I understand how life can get super busy at a moment's notice. And as always, thanks for the terrific insight and guidance.
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Lukas Kain

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Posted - 05 Jun 2014 :  12:16:42  Show Profile Send Lukas Kain a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh, I meant to include something that might in some way benefit those using Impiltur and the greater Impiltur area. I've been looking for a map (for what seems like ages) to represent some of the major cities in Impiltur, and honestly just today I stumbled across a goldmine. It was mentioned recently, and I too had downloaded Northern Journeys forever ago and essentially ignored it. Earlier today I flipped through some of the folders and they have custom-built maps of Lyrabar, Sarshel, Dilpur, Hlammach, you name it. Heck, they even have Dun-Tharos and many other major landmarks. They are Campaign Cartographer maps, so you need to have the program to view them (I think), and they follow the existence the NJ guys came up with, but it still beats the hades out of everything I had. I just thought it would be worth sharing since they really are terrific hand-made maps.
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 Jun 2014 :  13:20:55  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The NJ project is a fantastic piece of work. Although their "artistic vision" for Impiltur and its environs differs fairly markedly from what I've built over time, I doff my cap to the writers. Wonderful stuff.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 06 Jun 2014 :  08:39:11  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Right then George.

I have checked over my Narfell notes (which covers little more than 10 pages).

And i have a question that is rooted in ancient Narfell so hopefully you might have given it some thought already.

The Great Conflagration happened -650 DR to -150 DR. Narfell and Raumathar are taking chunks out of one another, slowly wearing each other down to the point that they both make desperate last ditch attempts to destroy one another which consumes them both.

I'm fine with all that. I have noted that in the initial stages Narfell sweeps down and takes Aglarond and the Wizard's Reach from Unther. It then attempts to invade Mulhorand with a great armada and loses.

Then Either Narfell or Raumathar occupy the ruins of Thay (which i figure were still largely empty thanks to the Orcgate Wars) and this territory changes hands many times (The Citadel i think is mentioned as already being there when Raumathar occupied that land).

In -339 DR Netheril falls, all magic ceases to function for a few seconds and the enclave of Jiksidur smashes into the ground slap bang in the centre of Narfell.

Now an event like that has got to cause a bit of a stir among an empire like Narfell. It may even have contributed to putting the brakes on Narfell's war machine and allowing Raumathar to gain the upper hand for a brief time.

I wonder first of all what Jiksidur landed on. The Netherese Enclaves were only supposed to be the top off a mountain which admittedly could still be quite considerable in size but would essentially make an upside down enclave little more than a big hill.

Did Jiksidur land on an existing settlement or existing hill. If there was a hill present there already it would have been an ideal place for a military outpost.

Next is why is the mountain called Hark's Finger, or Hawk's Finger (depending on whose map i look at). In Netheril there were survivors from the crashed enclaves (maybe ones who retreated to special chambers designed to protect people from such an event). Jiksidur was Larloch's enclave and he was a Chosen of Mystryl so he would have had many students (spread the knowledge of magic and all that) and many of these would have access to powerful magics and contingencies. Larloch himself was saved by a teleport contingency so it is not inconceivable for a student of his to have access to a feather fall spell or something that could save himself and a number of other citizens.

I am just wondering if enough Netherese survived to form a temporary colony, maybe the leader of whom's surname was Hark. Of course when the conflagration happened and the Suren invaded the Netherese would have had to up sticks and move, probably north to a more glaciated and remote area (great glacier coverage being much greater back then). I wonder if a small Netherese enclave does not exist there still. Neldertown to the north could be a corruption of Nethertown after all.

Anyway, have you any thoughts on the impact of Netheril's fall and the arrival of Jiksidur on ancient Narfell.

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Lukas Kain

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Posted - 06 Jun 2014 :  23:27:18  Show Profile Send Lukas Kain a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dazzlerdal

The Great Conflagration happened -650 DR to -150 DR. Narfell and Raumathar are taking chunks out of one another, slowly wearing each other down to the point that they both make desperate last ditch attempts to destroy one another which consumes them both.

The Great Conflagration was the final war between the two, and the title refers to only 10 years of their overall conflict with one another: -160 to -150.
The enclaves were hundreds if not thousands of feet in the air when they came crashing down. You've piqued my interests enough to look through notes and see if anyone survived the impact of any of the enclaves. We know there is a Netheril diaspora, but I've always assumed those three major colonies were entirely made up of those who were either already on the ground, or were away from the enclaves at the time of Mystryl's death. After all, it was a time when magic ran rampant, and even super-secure and/or ancient magic items ceased their functions for a time.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 07 Jun 2014 :  00:10:32  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lukas Kain

Originally posted by dazzlerdal

The Great Conflagration happened -650 DR to -150 DR. Narfell and Raumathar are taking chunks out of one another, slowly wearing each other down to the point that they both make desperate last ditch attempts to destroy one another which consumes them both.

The Great Conflagration was the final war between the two, and the title refers to only 10 years of their overall conflict with one another: -160 to -150.
The enclaves were hundreds if not thousands of feet in the air when they came crashing down. You've piqued my interests enough to look through notes and see if anyone survived the impact of any of the enclaves. We know there is a Netheril diaspora, but I've always assumed those three major colonies were entirely made up of those who were either already on the ground, or were away from the enclaves at the time of Mystryl's death. After all, it was a time when magic ran rampant, and even super-secure and/or ancient magic items ceased their functions for a time.

Mystra 1.0 came online in time to catch three of the enclaves and safely park them on the ground.

I've pointed out more than once that we only know about the enclaves in the Netheril area, and a few here and there in the Heartlands area. But since the enclaves were capable of going anywhere, there could easily have been enclaves much further afield -- over the Sea of Swords, for example, or over Chult, or even parked over another continent.

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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 07 Jun 2014 :  01:40:38  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dazzlerdal

Right then George.

I have checked over my Narfell notes (which covers little more than 10 pages).

And i have a question that is rooted in ancient Narfell so hopefully you might have given it some thought already.

The Great Conflagration happened -650 DR to -150 DR. Narfell and Raumathar are taking chunks out of one another, slowly wearing each other down to the point that they both make desperate last ditch attempts to destroy one another which consumes them both.

I'm fine with all that. I have noted that in the initial stages Narfell sweeps down and takes Aglarond and the Wizard's Reach from Unther. It then attempts to invade Mulhorand with a great armada and loses.

Then Either Narfell or Raumathar occupy the ruins of Thay (which i figure were still largely empty thanks to the Orcgate Wars) and this territory changes hands many times (The Citadel i think is mentioned as already being there when Raumathar occupied that land).

In -339 DR Netheril falls, all magic ceases to function for a few seconds and the enclave of Jiksidur smashes into the ground slap bang in the centre of Narfell.

Now an event like that has got to cause a bit of a stir among an empire like Narfell. It may even have contributed to putting the brakes on Narfell's war machine and allowing Raumathar to gain the upper hand for a brief time.

I wonder first of all what Jiksidur landed on. The Netherese Enclaves were only supposed to be the top off a mountain which admittedly could still be quite considerable in size but would essentially make an upside down enclave little more than a big hill.

Did Jiksidur land on an existing settlement or existing hill. If there was a hill present there already it would have been an ideal place for a military outpost.

Next is why is the mountain called Hark's Finger, or Hawk's Finger (depending on whose map i look at). In Netheril there were survivors from the crashed enclaves (maybe ones who retreated to special chambers designed to protect people from such an event). Jiksidur was Larloch's enclave and he was a Chosen of Mystryl so he would have had many students (spread the knowledge of magic and all that) and many of these would have access to powerful magics and contingencies. Larloch himself was saved by a teleport contingency so it is not inconceivable for a student of his to have access to a feather fall spell or something that could save himself and a number of other citizens.

I am just wondering if enough Netherese survived to form a temporary colony, maybe the leader of whom's surname was Hark. Of course when the conflagration happened and the Suren invaded the Netherese would have had to up sticks and move, probably north to a more glaciated and remote area (great glacier coverage being much greater back then). I wonder if a small Netherese enclave does not exist there still. Neldertown to the north could be a corruption of Nethertown after all.

Anyway, have you any thoughts on the impact of Netheril's fall and the arrival of Jiksidur on ancient Narfell.

Just a note, Jiksidur fell on the northern borders of Narfell, not in the center. It is also interesting to note that Shade enclave worked with some Vaasans that they gave black swords to when they returned (Vala Thorsdotter was one such Vaasan). Possible linkage?

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 07 Jun 2014 :  07:08:06  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My bad, I always use that name to refer to the whole war. Its just habit now.

Im pretty sure I have read in one of the sourcebooks about survivors from all the enclaves but maybe it was ambiguous and I just took the wrong meaning.

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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 17 Jun 2014 :  12:13:46  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well i assume that the Great Candlekeep Crash of 2014 is somewhat to blame (along with real life getting in the way), but i'm pretty sure we were all promised some GK lore by the weekend. I realise that you didnt specify what weekend but i'm still waiting for some juicy Impiltur lore (and Narfell lore if you get around to it pretty please with cherries on top).

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Posted - 23 Jun 2014 :  21:24:03  Show Profile Send unseenmage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
First I'd like to say hello and thanks for all the awesome lore. I'm a newbie and as such am loving the experience of diving in and swimming through it all.

As for my question, I was researching The Endless Wastes and its environs when I found reference to an omitted Wyrm of the North and a certain rare ancient construct she commands called a Banedrinker.

I was wondering if you'd be willing to elaborate on the Banedrinkers some and also if you knew any more about the Red Wizard Ghalaster
of Tyratauros?

I am much more interested in the Banedrinker and how it compares to the basic Stone and Iron Golems. Were there more than one type? Did they gain the abilities of slain fiends forever or only for a short time? That sort of thing. Though additional info on their creation, history, and appearance would be fantastic as well.

Thanks much!

Flying monkeys will eat your eyes.

Edited by - unseenmage on 23 Jun 2014 21:28:27
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 24 Jun 2014 :  13:42:36  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dazzlerdal

Well i assume that the Great Candlekeep Crash of 2014 is somewhat to blame (along with real life getting in the way), but i'm pretty sure we were all promised some GK lore by the weekend. I realise that you didnt specify what weekend but i'm still waiting for some juicy Impiltur lore (and Narfell lore if you get around to it pretty please with cherries on top).

The guilt is getting to me! What spare FR time I've had of late has been devoted to a project I'm working on for the Candlekeep Seminar at GEN-CON. I'll see what I can do, but can't promise just which weekend the answers will appear!

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 24 Jun 2014 :  13:45:13  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well i was really just posting an elaborate reminder (i know i need reminding to do stuff every 2-3 days). If there are other things then i can wait a few years.

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Lukas Kain

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Posted - 27 Jul 2014 :  08:04:45  Show Profile Send Lukas Kain a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey George, I was wondering if you had some ideas regarding one of my questions? I'm wanting to differentiate the major four cities in Impiltur for my squad. I would settle for a handful of adjectives, or a title (i.e. how Waterdeep is the City of Splendors, or Oreme being the City of White Towers), just something to work with. I realize you're a busy man, so I'm not trying to get all naggy or whatnot. It's just that I've lost a teammate to my waiting, but this is my big "GM debut" and I want to know my chosen setting inside and out.
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Lukas Kain

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Posted - 08 Aug 2014 :  02:57:07  Show Profile Send Lukas Kain a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I also had a clarification question. I've been combing through as much of your Impiltur work as I can get my hands on, and I'm seeing some discrepancies when it comes to names of a few noble families. I'm just wondering what the story is behind, for instance, the Dintersans: a nice and happy "new blood" family who also spell their surname Dinterson, Dintersun, Wintersun, and Winterson?

I figured that (in another example) the Wealhavens might've had some sort of major, inter-family dispute, where sides were taken and the result was a split where the "new" family which resulted from the division named themselves the "Well"havens (so as to establish their distance from who they were, but still remain a recognizable name). This essentially happened in my family a few generations back (I have second cousins who spell their name differently, although there isn't any animosity now-a-days); then again we aren't nobility so I'm not sure this couldn't really occur smoothly. I don't know. What're your thoughts, George?
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 08 Aug 2014 :  12:46:03  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lukas Kain

1) What are some (more) of the names of noble families living in Impiltur, and maybe some general history of them? I know of families like the Dintersans, Starsunders, Wealhavens, Forgecrowns, and Relindars (and I suspect a few more might be Evenoak, Drelnorth, Brandosk, ect.), I was just wondering what some others are and if they are "old blood" or newer. I understand you likely left many vacant for GMs to fill in as needed.

Okay, in slightly truncated form here a few Impilturian noble houses:

Family name: Eirlthaun
Patriarch: Peredar Eirlthaun (LG hm Pal5)
Heir: Darlaun Eirlthaun (CN hm Ari3)
Prominent Members: Saerala Eirlthaun (LG hf Pal2); Ormas Eirlthaun (LN hm F9) "Old Orm"
Trade & Interests: shipping, shipwrights

Family name: Deepstar
Patriarch: Lantigar Deepstar (NG hm F10)
Heir: Lantigar Deepstar "the Younger" (NG hm F4) "the Little Lantern"
Prominent Members: Meluin Deepstar (CG hm W12) [noted adventurer and family "black sheep"]
Trade & Interests: mercenary fighting, horse-breeding

Family name: Thornspar
Matriarch: Erethella Thornspar (N hf W6)
Heir: Narasha Thornspar (N hf T3)
Prominent Members: Mara and Dara Thornspar (CG hf twins T5) "the Revel Witches"
Trade & Interests: textiles, fashion clothing, furs

Family name: Garammon
Patriarch: Felimbrar Garammon (LG hm P6 of Tyr)
Heir: Imphras Garammon (LG hm P1 of Ilmater)
Prominent Members: Velintar Garammon (LG P16 of Tyr) "the Grimeye" (chief inquisitor of the faith in Impiltur)
Trade & Interests: sword forging, warrior-training, tack-making

Family name: Tordrover
Patriarch: Morga Tordrover (LN hm F7)
Heir: Horga Tordrover (N hm infant)
Prominent Members: Bargaun Tordrover (LN hm F5) and his wife Everild Tordrover (LG df F4)
Trade & Interests: gem mining, trading in metals

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 12 Aug 2014 05:32:00
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6673 Posts

Posted - 08 Aug 2014 :  13:06:48  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lukas Kain

2) I got to thinking about some name associations, and I realized that the Citadel of Conjurors was known as Dun-Orthass. In the same region is Vordric Dun, an Impilturn mining city, and across the water there's of course Dun-Tharos. I was just curious what part 'Dun' played in the namings of Imperial Narfell. Was it like a regional code?

Nothing very exciting here. It is (just like in our world) the name for an ancient fort although the Narfelli over time used the word to signify a tower.

Vordric Dun is actually a flattering truncation of a peculiar term that had its origins in the fledgling mining camp that was Vordric Dun in the late 900s DR. The clanless dwarf Borlin (none know his origins) was the first prospector to find gold in the creeks running out of the Earthspurs in and around the area where this settlement is located (this placer gold has long since played out), sparking the first "gold rush" of modern Impiltur. With the influx of human prospectors came the entrepreneur Vordric Ballyhorn, who mustered and transported a series of sharrada herds to provide valuable meat on the hoof to the hungry prospectors, making his fortune in only a few short years. His holding pens and abattoirs were the first permanent structures at that location (and still exist today) and formed the foundation of the modern-day settlement. Those jealous of Vordric began to call his little cluster of buildings "Vordric's Dung Heap". Later still, the inhabitants used to refer to "Vordric's Dung" as a symbol of wealth, hard work and success ("Aye, he reeks of Vordric's Dung" was a way of saying someone was well off) which over time was twisted into "Vordric Dun" when the settlement needed a name.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 26 Aug 2014 03:41:59
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Lukas Kain

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Posted - 13 Aug 2014 :  05:17:40  Show Profile Send Lukas Kain a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Absolutely wonderful, thank you George! My players will love that tid-bit about "Vordric's Dung Heap". We finally started the campaign as well, so this information coincided perfectly with that. The info on the nobles is quite nice, and better than I was anticipating.
I know you are a busy man, so instead of bombarding you with lengthy questions about minutiae (like how I'm still not 100% sure I understand the roles of each Lord of Imphras II), what if I cut out all the filler, and essentially just asked you yes/no or short-answered questions? I only have maybe two or three which are pressing anyways.

Thank you again for all your help and insight!
P.S. What happened at the end of that last post? It's like a little tease of additional goodies keeping us on the hook, haha.
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 13 Aug 2014 :  17:01:44  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think the last bit was just poor editing on my part. Most of my Impiltur stuff is very free form as you might imagine.

Fire away re the yes/no questions.

I plan to answer your cities query in depth when I get back from GENCON.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Lukas Kain

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Posted - 06 Sep 2014 :  04:05:28  Show Profile Send Lukas Kain a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey George, just wanted to check in and see how everything was going. I just wondered if you'd come up with any ideas regarding your "big four" cities (Lyrabar to Sarshel)? I figured I'd utilize at least a few of the maps provided by the Northern Journey fellas (although I'm not crazy about the maps for Hlammach and Dilpur, they'll likely still work for my campaign), but likely only a handful of the keyed locations in each map. I just need some idea of how the cities differ from one another besides their names (a la -> the attitudes of Hlammach and Sarshel have typically always been cold toward one another). I've found your posts on the origins of Dilpur, Sarshel, and Hlammach (which are amazing).

Just to put two related issues to rest for me regarding the Lords of Imphras II:
1) How often do the Lords meet (since they have other jobs) in Lyrabar?
2) Kind of a two-parter -> Do the Lords govern Lyrabar, or are their meetings primarily intended to be for the entirety of the nation? The implications, and perhaps the real question I'm asking is who then governs the towns and cities? I've read sources stating that two or three Lords will govern here or there (Dilpur is governed by Imbraun, Soargilm, and Sambrar according to "The Bloodstone Lands"), but one of those dudes is dead, one is implied to live in Lyrabar so as to talk with the queen, and I don't recognize the other guy.

I hope Gencon was cool. I've always wanted to go myself. Did you project turn out as planned?
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