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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 24 Sep 2014 :  03:15:09  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
Thanks Krash - thats two replies I got from you today.

I knew I remember something to that effect, but couldn't find it.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Jeremy Grenemyer
Great Reader

2717 Posts

Posted - 24 Sep 2014 :  05:06:58  Show Profile Send Jeremy Grenemyer a Private Message
Hello Ed and THO,

Looking at the major roads and ways of the King’s Forest as of 1479 DR, I have a yes or no question: did any of them get their start thanks to rampaging monsters or magical calamity (or some combination of both) blazing a trail through the woods, as opposed to simply being oft-used trails that turned into roads over time?

Very curious to know a little bit of Cormyrean road history.

Thank you both, as always.

Look for me and my content at EN World (user name: sanishiver).
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 24 Sep 2014 :  19:15:10  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi again, all. Ed is safe back home after a great Grandcon, whereat he enjoyed the company of many old friends and fellow Realms creators (Jeff Grubb, Steven Schend, Eric Boyd, Stan! and Matt Forbeck, not to mention new friends like Marc Tassin and old friends like Mark Nelson), played a little Lords of Waterdeep (even won a game, which is, he tells me, unusual when Jeff is sitting at the same table), and Made Future Plans galore.
So I handed him your latest posts, and he hath an immediate response for Jeremy:

One or two of the King's Forest roads began as hunting trails from the days when the elves "ruled" the land that is now Cormyr - - meaning, they were "drive the large game" (some of it monstrous by human standards) routes through the forest. Expanded/linked up, widened, and drainage-improved many times since. Including linking up with clearings that began as places where dragons were fought and a small area of forest ruined in the process. And were, much later, later "maintained" as human woodcutters' cutting-places.
(However, so far as I know, none of the roads began from magical calamities or rampaging monsters in human-ruled times. None of which would prevent erroneous local legends of wild spell-battles or monster-fights from springing up; there is, for example, one such tale of two dragons fighting to the death in midair above the forest, in the days when elf rule was waning and humans were moving in.)
Hope this is of help.

So saith Ed. Providing Realmslore whenever he can.
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Jeremy Grenemyer
Great Reader

2717 Posts

Posted - 24 Sep 2014 :  21:57:24  Show Profile Send Jeremy Grenemyer a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Hope this is of help.
Hell yeah it does! Thank you very much.

Look for me and my content at EN World (user name: sanishiver).
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92 Posts

Posted - 24 Sep 2014 :  22:04:14  Show Profile Send paladinnicolas a Private Message
This may seem a crazy question, but since Ed has talked about individuals going to the Realms from Earth, and some adventures deal with Faerunians ending up in Ravenloft, I wanted to ask Ed if he has ever handled the possibility of there being a connection in the Realms or of some of its inhabitants with the world of Eberron (which I really like, and its creator, Keith Baker, is really friendly, as Ed is) or vice versa (has anyone from Eberron visited the Realms or the other way around?). Has Ed talked with Keith about this? Thanks!
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Learned Scribe

217 Posts

Posted - 24 Sep 2014 :  23:22:27  Show Profile Send Wolfhound75 a Private Message
RE: Paladinnicolas post 2014-09-24 : 22:04:14.

That is a wonderful question! Thank you for asking it as I will dearly await the answer since it goes very well with the campaign I've been planning/running for a little over two years.

Good Hunting!

"Firepower - if it's not working, you're not using enough." ~ Military Proverb

"If at first you do succeed, you must've rolled a natural 20!"
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92 Posts

Posted - 25 Sep 2014 :  11:38:29  Show Profile Send paladinnicolas a Private Message
Thanks Wolfhound! I really hope Ed answers the question.
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Master of Realmslore

1600 Posts

Posted - 25 Sep 2014 :  18:32:04  Show Profile Send Barastir a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One
Ed is safe back home after a great Grandcon, whereat he enjoyed the company of many old friends (...) like Mark Nelson

Nice, I didn't know that Ed was a friend of Mark Nelson! I simply love his black & white art, the best IMHO.

"Goodness is not a natural state, but must be
fought for to be attained and maintained.
Lead by example.
Let your deeds speak your intentions.
Goodness radiated from the heart."

The Paladin's Virtues, excerpt from the "Quentin's Monograph"
(by Ed Greenwood)
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Learned Scribe

114 Posts

Posted - 25 Sep 2014 :  19:53:48  Show Profile  Visit kysus's Homepage Send kysus a Private Message
Hello again THO, I have another question for Ed that builds somewhat on my previous question though this one is more doing with architecture. So I was curious as to if the various elven nations over the centuries had different styles of architecture for their cities in the different kingdoms over time, similiar to how we have Baroque, Rococo, or gothic architecture. And was there differences from the architecture say like Eaerlann and Cormanthyr or even Evereska and evermeet from Aryvandaar and shantel Othereier? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated as im currently looking to use this sort of lore in my game that im running.
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Senior Scribe

538 Posts

Posted - 26 Sep 2014 :  06:29:52  Show Profile Send Penknight a Private Message
A question about drow, if I may. Really, it's more of a question about Vhaeraun. After reading about him in the drow handbook in 2E, I could have seen him being more Chaotic Neutral than Neutral Evil, especially since he promotes the drow on the surface to work with other races and become accepted. Was there ever talk about making him Chaotic Neutral? I think that would be brilliant if so. Also, if would open up another deity for drow that wasn't out and out evil. :-)

Telethian Phoenix
Pathfinder Reference Document
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2014 :  01:19:52  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi again, all.
Penknight, I know that Vhaeraun has drow worshippers who aren't evil, so . . .
The Sage, I'm still waiting for Ed's reply to your Zhonder query, but I've found a long-ago play note of a brief meeting some of the Knights had in said room, with a courtier, and my notation was this:
"Two entry doors and several secret doors amid the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves that line the room, revealed when Varandros [[note: the courtier we met with]] arrived through one and later departed through another. Tidy, formal place rather than working environment, central table with four chairs, was warned not to peruse books but looked to be varied volumes in best of condition, only item of note: brazen (human male; not recognized as likeness of anyone we knew) head on small marble stand, center of table."
We of course await Ed . . .
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31797 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2014 :  03:27:36  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
Oooo! I'd love to learn more about which "varied volumes..."

My thanks, though, to you, my lovely lady, and to Ed as well.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Senior Scribe

538 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2014 :  06:19:34  Show Profile Send Penknight a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Hi again, all.
Penknight, I know that Vhaeraun has drow worshippers who aren't evil, so . . .
The Sage, I'm still waiting for Ed's reply to your Zhonder query, but I've found a long-ago play note of a brief meeting some of the Knights had in said room, with a courtier, and my notation was this:
"Two entry doors and several secret doors amid the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves that line the room, revealed when Varandros [[note: the courtier we met with]] arrived through one and later departed through another. Tidy, formal place rather than working environment, central table with four chairs, was warned not to peruse books but looked to be varied volumes in best of condition, only item of note: brazen (human male; not recognized as likeness of anyone we knew) head on small marble stand, center of table."
We of course await Ed . . .

Thank you. And believe me, I know about the other followers of Vhaeraun. My drow, Darkadius, was a follower of his. Even though he has changed alignments, he still follows him and helps his followers.

Telethian Phoenix
Pathfinder Reference Document
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Learned Scribe

148 Posts

Posted - 28 Sep 2014 :  21:05:25  Show Profile  Visit Knightfall's Homepage Send Knightfall a Private Message
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by Knightfall

Another set of Waterdeep questions for THO and Ed.

Circa 1358-1368, are there any empty or abandoned villas in Waterdeep that are available for sale for a noble family that wants to get a foothold in the city? Or, in my case, where would the best place to put new villas for one or more new noble families created for my own campaign? How hard would it be for a noble family from another region to become ennobled in Waterdeep? What's the process and who decides? What if a nonhuman family wanted to become ennobled in the city?

Thanks for considering my questions.



The process for becoming ennobled in Waterdeep is set out in "Ed Greenwood presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms" at pgs.50-53.

-- George Krashos

Thanks for the info. I must now go find where I put my copy and (re-)read that section.
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Senior Scribe

490 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2014 :  22:07:06  Show Profile  Visit createvmind's Homepage Send createvmind a Private Message
Hello all,

If a Succubus was into tattoos, is that possible first off and if so how would they manage to get a tattoo to remain permanent?

Are color tattoos done in the Realms like we have in our world outside of perhaps Shou and if yes, what are the techniques used?

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Senior Scribe

804 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2014 :  00:47:31  Show Profile  Visit Blueblade's Homepage Send Blueblade a Private Message
I know Ed has in the past confirmed colored tattoos exist in the Realms, but my search-fu is weak tonight...
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31797 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2014 :  04:19:30  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
Originally posted by Blueblade

I know Ed has in the past confirmed colored tattoos exist in the Realms, but my search-fu is weak tonight...

A quick search of my temporary archive listing suggests the 2007 compilation file, but I'll need to make a more direct check of that.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Posted - 30 Sep 2014 :  04:29:20  Show Profile Send nymandrathal a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One
hobbitfan: it is awesome, and that takes some of Ed's time, too, and I'm afraid I got him into this gig here at the Keep. Because I wanted to share the awesomeness that is Ed with the rest of you. He is truly the greatest man I have ever met (a kind, understanding, generous friend to many).
not completely your fault THO. & it looks to my casual eye as though everyone has been enjoying the arrangement. seems it was only yesterday I was sitting in your car, tranced out & thus partly oblivious, making impertinent suggestions - although terribly politely. I am pleased to see that these matters have worked out so well for you & Ed. I hope his personal debt has been reduced significantly over time.

I wonder if he has received any "emissaries" from a certain "wizard of the north" over the past several years. he might have reliably received up to two, else one or both of the scurrilous rogues have earned a reprimand. I won't use the pseudonym again. I considered it both impertinent and unlikely enough to reliably pair an initial missive with a later arrangement, & given the apparent successful conclusion of both - one way or another - the unique title can be discarded by me without harm. though if he did receive an initial missive, with its attribution intact, he should feel entirely free at this time to communicate to you privately the substance of the matter, as the facts may strike you as amusing. they will not be published by me here. I do also recognize that if neither individual performed his task as he was enjoined this second paragraph will be quite useless & confusing, implying perhaps at least one species of madness to its less informed readers.

well, so be it, in either direction.
congratulations on over a decade of fine & useful intercession, to you.
may Ed & his Realms continue to inspire defenders, well beyond his time.
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6673 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2014 :  12:15:53  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message
Well that was suitably Harper-esque.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Master of Realmslore

1853 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2014 :  17:25:23  Show Profile  Visit xaeyruudh's Homepage Send xaeyruudh a Private Message
The Selskar order (imprisoned Bazim-Gorag, mentioned in an adventure by Rich Baker in Dungeon #101 and later in Champions of Ruin) was founded by Netherese wizards circa -626 DR. The senior ranks of their order are Magus and Ar-Magus. Did these terms or the order itself come from Ed's original Netheril lore or from other designers taking it in their own directions?

I remember Ed saying he had come up with many variant systems of magic use, earlier in these scrolls, and I wonder if "a cabal of wizards cast out from Netheril" who were motivated to found a new college of magic might have been ousted for using one of those other methods.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 01 Oct 2014 :  17:18:35  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
I am assuming THO isn't available ATM (which is holding up something), but here's one for when she gets back:

The road (trail) going from Longsaddle to Nesmé crosses the Goblintide River - is it fordable at that point? Or is there some sort of bridge?

And BTW, does that road have a name? (and that question is aimed at everyone, not just Ed) I tried all the usual sources, but lord knows Realms lore sometimes hides in strange places.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Senior Scribe

490 Posts

Posted - 01 Oct 2014 :  18:56:23  Show Profile  Visit createvmind's Homepage Send createvmind a Private Message
Hello All,

Ed I assume in your realms you have events unfolding about Faerun years in advance of where your players are currently. If in your realms there was no Spellplague after Year of Lightning Storm did you have planned any other type of cataclysmic event or major upheaval occurring in Faerun within the next 10 or so years? I know the Collapse of weave and Spellplague put the kabosh on many plans and events in the works around the realms and actually may have prevented other calamaties from occuring in specific places or stopped possible invasions and wars. Just curious what little snippets/alternate events you may have had planned?

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Learned Scribe

148 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2014 :  20:16:35  Show Profile  Visit Knightfall's Homepage Send Knightfall a Private Message
Hi again all,

I have more nobility of Waterdeep questions for Ed and THO. Specifically, I'd like to find out as much as I can about the Nandar family, circa 1368 DR. Did/do Lord Baelrun and Lady Berlie have any children of their own who either died or were disowned? Also, the "Noble Houses of Waterdeep" web enhancement for the City of Splendors: Waterdeep sourcebook for 3E mentions that the heir to the house, Chostal, has a younger brother named Horingar "Elfslayer." Was this NPC created by Ed or did Eric L. Boyd create him? If Ed did, are there other grand-nephews or nieces?

That PDF also says the house's favored deity is Malar. How strong is that connection? As well, are there any details Ed can share about Nandar Lodge in the Ardeep Forest?

"I write; therefore, I am!"

Heroes of Deepwater

Edited by - Knightfall on 04 Oct 2014 07:08:54
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10 Posts

Posted - 03 Oct 2014 :  06:11:58  Show Profile Send Bootravsky a Private Message
Hello to everyone, first time writer long time reader!

Just a few questions resulting from reading through Forgotten Realms Adventures - the first D&D book I purchased for myself, about twenty-two years ago, from a great old local comic book shop, and still one of my absolute favorites. I find something new every time, and am consistently amazed by how each City detailed has such individual character based on its surroundings, environment, position on trade routes, etc. Enough gushing, on to the questions!

In Calaunt, the Merchant Dukes, formerly Bellas' Band, are made up of an even mix of good, neutral, and evil characters, with Bellas the Supreme Scepter, and Iritar basically running the underworld. How did Bellas' Band form, and how do the good characters (Halabankh Ormsarr and Haldyn Stormkin) abide associating with the less moral dukes? the wizard forums indicate that they are of "increasingly corrupt" character, so perhaps their moral character has eroded since the writing of the FRA article.

In Scornubel, the Wondermen are said to inhabit a vault beneath the streets. This is elaborated in Volos guide to the sword coast. Is there any additional history to the Wondermen, or names of individuals, and are there any prophecies or tales that would give a clue as to the characteristics of the wizards deserving of their riches? I can totally see this being NDA.

Finally, are there any father-son villainous pairings in the realm of particular note? In either the Harry / Norman Osborne insane child - megalomaniacal, abusive parent pairing? Or in the supportive evil parent role? "Nice shot son, but we must get a new slave out for you to put the arrow BETWEEN the shoulders, as opposed to in just the one."

Thanks for all the wonderful gaming over the years!
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Learned Scribe

148 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2014 :  03:00:08  Show Profile  Visit Knightfall's Homepage Send Knightfall a Private Message
Me again, sorry if I'm being too much of a pest.

Eric Boyd pointed me to an article about "The Ardeep" (in DRAGON #270) regarding the character with the nickname "Elfslayer." It helped me understand the Nandars somewhat, but brings to mind a question about Ardeep Forest. What does "Ar" mean? Or does it even have a meaning? I thought maybe it might mean silver, but it would be nice to have an official answer.

It would also be great to learn more about dwarves(?) of "Dardath" and more about the "Phalorm Kingdom," if that's okay to ask.


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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2014 :  03:29:43  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
I believe the Elves called Ardeep 'Irithar', and it was once part of the MUCH larger forest that went all along the coast (and probably even connected to much-larger-at-that-time High forest in some places as well).

So Ardeep may be a human name, or it may be an older name that had more meaning - perhaps the entire greater forest that went from Neverwinter Woods all the way down to the Trollbark Forest (and may have included The High Moor - which was the Dark/Green Elven Kingdom of Miyeritar - in the very distant past). If the name is Elven in origin, and 'Ar' does mean 'silver', that would be VERY interesting indeed.

Question: (so as not to get in trouble for my commentary) I am in the middle of a LOT of FR research ATM, and I keep coming across lots and lots of locales with 'curses', be it a direct curse, or a haunting, or even just some magic that went haywire way back when. What happened to all of that after the Spellplague hit? Were undead affected? Did curses get removed, or whatever? Or is this one of those case-by-case basis things?

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6673 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2014 :  07:39:09  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message
Originally posted by Knightfall

Me again, sorry if I'm being too much of a pest.

Eric Boyd pointed me to an article about "The Ardeep" (in DRAGON #270) regarding the character with the nickname "Elfslayer." It helped me understand the Nandars somewhat, but brings to mind a question about Ardeep Forest. What does "Ar" mean? Or does it even have a meaning? I thought maybe it might mean silver, but it would be nice to have an official answer.

It would also be great to learn more about dwarves(?) of "Dardath" and more about the "Phalorm Kingdom," if that's okay to ask.



Eric Boyd and I have written up a ton of information on both places - but Eric is looking to get that stuff out in a more official sense.

I assume you've read the seminal FR11 Dwarves Deep and the material in Lost Empires of Faerun.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Learned Scribe

148 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2014 :  08:21:10  Show Profile  Visit Knightfall's Homepage Send Knightfall a Private Message
I've never owned Dwarves Deep. I do have Lost Empires of Faerun, however. I admit that I haven't read that book cover to cover.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2014 :  15:52:48  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
Do yourself a favor - both make for AMAZING reads. I even found stuff in Dwarves Deep that pertained to Murghôm! They are chock-full of juicy tidbits (even if DD is showing its age now, you get to see Ed Grenwood's world-building skills at their finest - its one of the few sources where you learn that humans are NOT the most important beings on the planet... they only think they are. Everything was done and named before humans came along, and we get a glimpse of that).

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 04 Oct 2014 15:55:12
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Learned Scribe

198 Posts

Posted - 06 Oct 2014 :  19:09:45  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message
Hello all,

Ed, as Tyche was a goddess in the Realms before she became Tymora and Beshaba (and Sune is Venus backwards minus the v), was there ever a realm in Faerûn where people prayed to the olympian deities?
So could there be a Chosen of Hercules fighting Monsters in, say, Impiltur during the Sundering?
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