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 Questions for Ed Greenwood (2014)
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 06 Oct 2014 :  19:11:29  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message
I'm not Ed, but you might be interested in the article he wrote in Dragon #54 that talks about building the Faerunian pantheon.


Originally posted by Lirdolin

Hello all,

Ed, as Tyche was a goddess in the Realms before she became Tymora and Beshaba (and Sune is Venus backwards minus the v), was there ever a realm in Faerūn where people prayed to the olympian deities?
So could there be a Chosen of Hercules fighting Monsters in, say, Impiltur during the Sundering?

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Learned Scribe

315 Posts

Posted - 07 Oct 2014 :  04:36:23  Show Profile  Visit Rymac's Homepage Send Rymac a Private Message
Originally posted by Lirdolin

Hello all,

Ed, as Tyche was a goddess in the Realms before she became Tymora and Beshaba (and Sune is Venus backwards minus the v), was there ever a realm in Faerūn where people prayed to the olympian deities?
So could there be a Chosen of Hercules fighting Monsters in, say, Impiltur during the Sundering?

Not Ed, but perhaps I can help. Chessenta was originally a variant of the city-states of Ancient Greece, going all the way back to the OGB.

From RealmsHelps (

A group of cities considered a single nation by the rest of Faerūn, Chessenta is anything but united. The cities war against each other over old slights, philosophical differences, or economic leverage. Adventurers and mercenary companies make a good living here, hired by various governments for sneak attacks, strategic planning, or protection. The culture of Chessenta is obsessed with physical conflict, with war heroes considered very highly.

From FR Wiki (

Prior to the Spellplague, Chessenta was a country of individual city-states that were often at war with one another.

So it's possible that Tyche originally came from a defunct pantheon. Sune and Mask also had aspects of other Greek gods, if I recall correctly.
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Master of Realmslore

1853 Posts

Posted - 07 Oct 2014 :  12:59:16  Show Profile  Visit xaeyruudh's Homepage Send xaeyruudh a Private Message
The OGB doesn't really suggest that Chessenta is based on Greece; this idea came from FR10.

Tyche was part of the Netherese pantheon, according to the Netheril box.
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 07 Oct 2014 :  16:20:31  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
That would be because Chessenta is not now and never was based on Greece.
Many, many gamers seem to think Ed just copied real-world this and real-world that and stitched them together to make his Realms. Not so.
For some gamrs (including some designers who worked for TSR and Wizards) it has been helpful to THINK OF a real-world place/culture/time when dealing with this or that region of the Realms, but that's a different thing.
I have always thought of Chessenta as closer to the Italian city-states of the condottiere era, myself.

And to make this post a little more useful: Markustay, I'll hunt down the name of that road for you. It is indeed fordable at the site you mention.
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Master of Realmslore

1853 Posts

Posted - 07 Oct 2014 :  20:13:05  Show Profile  Visit xaeyruudh's Homepage Send xaeyruudh a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

I have always thought of Chessenta as closer to the Italian city-states of the condottiere era, myself.

Have I told you lately that I love you? Also the way you think.

I think some authors let their real-world inspirations bleed into their writing too much, or someone at WotC thinks so, and that has influenced decisions about the fate of some areas of Toril. As if two (or more) wrongs will make a right. But I'm just one fan with no special insight.

And to make this post a little more useful: Shairksah, mentioned in the Recent News and Rumors for 1357 in the grey box, apparently has a means of creating or perhaps just summoning "strange crab-like menaces." My first question is do these critters exist, or is he just making threats? If they do exist, are they scaladar and can he make and control them? If so, can Shairksah be linked to Trobriand or did he obtain this magic in another way?

I hope all is well in Greenwood manor! And um, in the festhall and dungeon too.
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Senior Scribe

490 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  16:43:10  Show Profile  Visit createvmind's Homepage Send createvmind a Private Message
Hello All,

Ed my question is probably going to be NDA but did the Spellplague impact the Sarrukh in anyway, interrupt their hybernation cycle, change them, or comprimise their wards and/or hold on other beings?

And did Elaith Craulnober make it through Spellplague unscathed?

One more query, did you have other martial artist in realms besides "monks" and if so can you tell us of any of the greatest of these monk-like characters that may have wandered Faerun or impacted it in some way not known to most.


Edited by - createvmind on 08 Oct 2014 16:47:03
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42 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  18:01:27  Show Profile Send Infamous a Private Message

Dear Lady of the Hood,

greetings. I have two questions for Ed.

A certain chaotic good character needs to spy on some unelected and possibly corrupt officials who are close to the king. The method entails a special feather, to be used as a pen, which magically stores all the writing and then re-writes it to another parchment when so commanded. The question is, can we make its magic just imperceptible so that the ploy could work? How paranoid are officials in a mid-sized kingdom about these things, and how often do bureaucrats detect magic?

Second, a more mundane question. I type at 60 words per minute, but I speak at 140 wpm. I recently discovered that Apple's standard Mac OS X dictation and Dragon Dictation allow me to commit words to paper (er, pixels) more than twice as fast. Does Ed know about this? Does he know?!! Because we need to squeeze all the Realmslore we can from him in the 1,000 years he will be alive on this Earthly plane.

the Infamous One
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Master of Realmslore

1853 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  18:29:32  Show Profile  Visit xaeyruudh's Homepage Send xaeyruudh a Private Message
Originally posted by Infamous

The question is, can we make its magic just imperceptible so that the ploy could work?

I'm clearly not THO or Ed, but concealing the quill's magical aura can be easily handled with Nystul's magic aura. It even lasts 24 hours.

That said, I'm also interested in how this issue is addressed in the world's many courts. Surely the King of Cormyr is recorded by Court scribes, but do kings/lords typically care about others recording as well and how energetically do they try to prevent it?
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11909 Posts

Posted - 09 Oct 2014 :  01:42:37  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message
Originally posted by createvmind

Hello All,

Ed my question is probably going to be NDA but did the Spellplague impact the Sarrukh in anyway, interrupt their hybernation cycle, change them, or comprimise their wards and/or hold on other beings?

And did Elaith Craulnober make it through Spellplague unscathed?

One more query, did you have other martial artist in realms besides "monks" and if so can you tell us of any of the greatest of these monk-like characters that may have wandered Faerun or impacted it in some way not known to most.


On Elaith.... look at the unofficial little story Elaine Cunningham posted around here in the last 2 months. It specifically shows an unofficial instance of where Elaith was when it would seem that the spellplague happened.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Senior Scribe

538 Posts

Posted - 09 Oct 2014 :  05:52:08  Show Profile Send Penknight a Private Message
Originally posted by sleyvas

Originally posted by createvmind

Hello All,

Ed my question is probably going to be NDA but did the Spellplague impact the Sarrukh in anyway, interrupt their hybernation cycle, change them, or comprimise their wards and/or hold on other beings?

And did Elaith Craulnober make it through Spellplague unscathed?

One more query, did you have other martial artist in realms besides "monks" and if so can you tell us of any of the greatest of these monk-like characters that may have wandered Faerun or impacted it in some way not known to most.


On Elaith.... look at the unofficial little story Elaine Cunningham posted around here in the last 2 months. It specifically shows an unofficial instance of where Elaith was when it would seem that the spellplague happened.

Could you post a link to the story, please? I'd greatly appreciate it!

Telethian Phoenix
Pathfinder Reference Document
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 09 Oct 2014 :  15:59:17  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message
Greetings Ed and THO.

It has been stated that our RW technology wouldn't work quite well in the Realms, and it led me to think that some of the rules which govern the nature there would be different from our physics laws (since tech functions accordingly to them).

So, my question is: has anyone tried to figure out how mundane phenomena work in the Realms (or are they necessarily connected to the magic and the Weave)? Also, since mathematics is necessary for that, has anyone developed any form of advanced mathematical theory?

Thanks for your time.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Jeremy Grenemyer
Great Reader

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Posted - 10 Oct 2014 :  02:42:45  Show Profile Send Jeremy Grenemyer a Private Message
Originally posted by Penknight

Could you post a link to the story, please? I'd greatly appreciate it!


Look for me and my content at EN World (user name: sanishiver).
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Senior Scribe

538 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2014 :  05:22:52  Show Profile Send Penknight a Private Message
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Originally posted by Penknight

Could you post a link to the story, please? I'd greatly appreciate it!


Thank you.

Telethian Phoenix
Pathfinder Reference Document
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Great Reader

2449 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2014 :  17:20:23  Show Profile  Visit Hoondatha's Homepage Send Hoondatha a Private Message
Hey Ed! I’m back, and I’ve got a question that should hopefully be NDA-proof. It’s about natural beauty, something that the Realms has in abundance.

Imagine you’re walking up a tunnel from the Underdark, after being in that lightless realm for far too long. The tunnel turns, opens, and suddenly you’re standing in a wide open cave mouth. It’s a clear night and Selune is full in the sky, shining down on a wide expanse of land stretching out before you.

What do you see? What would be your top three places for that cave mouth to be, and what would you be looking out over? Timescale is 2e/3e, if it matters. Thanks, as always.

Doggedly converting 3e back to what D&D should be...
Sigh... And now 4e as well.
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Senior Scribe

490 Posts

Posted - 11 Oct 2014 :  00:10:36  Show Profile  Visit createvmind's Homepage Send createvmind a Private Message
Hello all,

Ok two more questions for Ed, Has Mystra ever had ANY of her Chosen deal with any Arch-devil or demon prince in regards to some plot where they worked WITH the fiends or have them intercede on BEHALF of fiends?

Second question, after Elminster awoke from stasis and learned the fate of Myth Drannor, did he have a vendetta against fiends or make it his business to go out his way to mess with them, especially yogoloths or did Mystra keep him occupied to again protect him from spending his life and silver fire?
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 11 Oct 2014 :  16:50:50  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
How close does the Southwood (below the High forest) come to Highstar Lake? I'm getting some conflict between certain old maps. I usually fall-back on the Karen Fonstad maps, but its hard to really tell how much space there is between them.

I recall a conversation (online... somewhere) where this was discussed, and presumably it was supposed to go right up onto the Moor. Does this mean that some forest grew back after the Dark Disaster, or somehow avoided being destroyed?

As an aside, I am starting to see the Delimbiyr as the border between Aryvandaar and Miyeritar, as the only 'break' between the old High Forest and the High Moor (which I assume was also forest, being a Green Elven realm). Could Highstar Lake have possibly been something contested or shared by them (before the conflict)? I could see it as a trade-center between the two powerful Eleven realms. And since I am on the subject, was Miyeritar a part of Shantel Othreir? It seems to have been surrounded by it. Or was it the other way around (likening it to how we had 'Rome', and then the rest of the Roman Empire all around it), and Miyeritar was the 'heart' of greater Shantel Othreir?

The main question is about the Southwood, though - the rest is just me trying to figure out borders for eventual historic maps (so no rush on any of that).

EDIT: Believe it or not, I actually edited the above (I went off on a speculative tangent). Anyhow, I just looked at the original 1e campaign setting map, and realized that the southwood was probably a contested region, because it fell between the two rivers. It may have survived if it was considered part of Shantel Othreir (putting t in a precarious position). I am still trying to figure out how Shantel Othreir was both on the coast and around the Tunlands, with two major empires in-between. I suppose Ardeep being a 'vassal state' can explain it (the way the United States and other countries have 'protectorates'). It just doesn't seem very 'Elvish', though, to exert influence over far-away realms. Then again, ancient Elves were very different (and much more warlike) then their current counterparts.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 11 Oct 2014 17:03:46
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 11 Oct 2014 :  17:26:05  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message
I always figured the Southwood was part of the High Forest.


Originally posted by Markustay

How close does the Southwood (below the High forest) come to Highstar Lake? I'm getting some conflict between certain old maps. I usually fall-back on the Karen Fonstad maps, but its hard to really tell how much space there is between them.

I recall a conversation (online... somewhere) where this was discussed, and presumably it was supposed to go right up onto the Moor. Does this mean that some forest grew back after the Dark Disaster, or somehow avoided being destroyed?

As an aside, I am starting to see the Delimbiyr as the border between Aryvandaar and Miyeritar, as the only 'break' between the old High Forest and the High Moor (which I assume was also forest, being a Green Elven realm). Could Highstar Lake have possibly been something contested or shared by them (before the conflict)? I could see it as a trade-center between the two powerful Eleven realms. And since I am on the subject, was Miyeritar a part of Shantel Othreir? It seems to have been surrounded by it. Or was it the other way around (likening it to how we had 'Rome', and then the rest of the Roman Empire all around it), and Miyeritar was the 'heart' of greater Shantel Othreir?

The main question is about the Southwood, though - the rest is just me trying to figure out borders for eventual historic maps (so no rush on any of that).

EDIT: Believe it or not, I actually edited the above (I went off on a speculative tangent). Anyhow, I just looked at the original 1e campaign setting map, and realized that the southwood was probably a contested region, because it fell between the two rivers. It may have survived if it was considered part of Shantel Othreir (putting t in a precarious position). I am still trying to figure out how Shantel Othreir was both on the coast and around the Tunlands, with two major empires in-between. I suppose Ardeep being a 'vassal state' can explain it (the way the United States and other countries have 'protectorates'). It just doesn't seem very 'Elvish', though, to exert influence over far-away realms. Then again, ancient Elves were very different (and much more warlike) then their current counterparts.

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Senior Scribe

408 Posts

Posted - 11 Oct 2014 :  20:40:02  Show Profile Send Derulbaskul a Private Message
Originally posted by ericlboyd

I always figured the Southwood was part of the High Forest.


That's perfect... because that also justifies having Araumycos extend its spores and whatnot beneath Loudwater and the Southwood....


NB: Please remember: A cannon is a big gun. Canon is what we discuss here.
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Master of Realmslore

1564 Posts

Posted - 11 Oct 2014 :  22:14:16  Show Profile  Visit Asgetrion's Homepage Send Asgetrion a Private Message
Hi Ed, THO, Eric, Garen, Steven, George, everyone!

I have questions concerning the lost dwarven realm of Thunderholme. Namely, which clans inhabited its halls, and what did its coat-of-arms and badge look like?

And I'd be eternally grateful if there is there any unpublished lore and tidbits that you illustrious sages could share about this fallen realm!

"What am I doing today? Ask me tomorrow - I can be sure of giving you the right answer then."
-- Askarran of Selgaunt, Master Sage, speaking to a curious merchant, Year of the Helm
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 11 Oct 2014 :  22:58:57  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
Originally posted by ericlboyd

I always figured the Southwood was part of the High Forest.
Well, I had been thinking in terms of 'times LONG past' (The Crown Wars), and who's side that bit of forest fell on, and why it managed to survive when the rest did not.

However, I since recalled a bit more about the earlier conversation, and it wasn't about that forest - it was about Highstar Lake itself.... it wasn't supposed to be IN the Moor, just up against it (the lake got moved further and further into it with each edition). Also, the Moor is not the same dimensions as the plateau - its the upper part of the moors that is the 'High Moor' - so the elves of Miyeritar literally 'looked down upon' everyone else. Talk about your 'high elves' (okay... I'll stop with the bad puns now).

I think I have it worked-out now (terrain-wise). I do have to wonder if the plateau itself was created by the Dark Disaster - did Miyeritar get covered, a' la Pompeii? Could the original kingdom be buried under there? Its riddled with caves and tunnels, and the place does have some weird physics going on (along with random and sometimes mobile 'gates' to the elemental planes). What effect did the Spellplague have on the High Moor? How about Rhymanthiin and the restoration of the Moor? Was that negated by the Spellplague? And if you can't tell us any of this (yet), will we at least find out what happened to prior, magically-effected locales in the near future? (in other words, can you at least hint if we are going to get some sort of Campaign Guide?)

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 11 Oct 2014 23:01:34
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Master of Realmslore

1853 Posts

Posted - 12 Oct 2014 :  07:50:01  Show Profile  Visit xaeyruudh's Homepage Send xaeyruudh a Private Message
Going back to little-known names of the 1350s, who runs Nulahh's in Immersea and what is the character of the place? Any interesting guests, or persistent rumors?
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 14 Oct 2014 :  19:36:10  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi again, all.
This time I bring answers from Ed of the Greenwood to createvmind: "Ok two more questions for Ed, Has Mystra ever had ANY of her Chosen deal with any Arch-devil or demon prince in regards to some plot where they worked WITH the fiends or have them intercede on BEHALF of fiends?
Second question, after Elminster awoke from stasis and learned the fate of Myth Drannor, did he have a vendetta against fiends or make it his business to go out his way to mess with them, especially yogoloths or did Mystra keep him occupied to again protect him from spending his life and silver fire?"

Heeeere's Ed:
To your first question: Yes. Several times. No, I'm not going to spill details right now; some of those tales may make good fiction in the future, and one of them is directly concerned with a tale that MIGHT soon unfold.
To your second: No. Except during his periods of out-of-control madness, El has pretty good self-control. As in, he may kvetch and snarl or flirt and fawn, but underneath his reactions of the moment he keeps in mind long-term consequences and strategic shifts more than almost any other sentient mortal operating in the Realms today. He can become enraged as the next guy, but has a lot more patience, and a lot more self-discipline, than most mortals.
And all of the Chosen further Mystra's ends far more than they play "promote good over evil." Some of them even (gasp) manipulate the Harpers... ;}

So saith Ed. Creator of the Realms and still its greatest loremaster.

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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 14 Oct 2014 :  19:42:02  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
. . . And from my old notes, I can start to answer Asgetrion, re. this: "I have questions concerning the lost dwarven realm of Thunderholme. Namely, which clans inhabited its halls, and what did its coat-of-arms and badge look like?"
Its badge (not full blazon or coat-of-arms, just the badge) was an upright side-on hammer (pick end to the viewer's left, bludgeoning end to the viewer's right), with a three-zigzag lightning bolt running down the shaft or handle, superimposed on an open scroll (curled-over ends down both sides, paralleling the hammer shaft, no lettering visible on the scroll, the curled-over ends curling "toward" the viewer).
This was simplified, when scratched on hard rock, to a vertical lighting bolt with a pick end protruding from viewer's-left side of its top, and hammer end protruding from the viewer's-right side.
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Master of Realmslore

1446 Posts

Posted - 14 Oct 2014 :  22:53:13  Show Profile Send Eilserus a Private Message
Interesting that the badge has lightning in it. The dwarven axe Skysplitter was capable of calling down lightning to strike foes and was created there. And being as this hold is in the Thunder Peaks and Skysplitter was forged there, makes me think this could all be connected some way.

Edited by - Eilserus on 15 Oct 2014 18:43:41
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Master of Realmslore

1564 Posts

Posted - 14 Oct 2014 :  23:02:18  Show Profile  Visit Asgetrion's Homepage Send Asgetrion a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

. . . And from my old notes, I can start to answer Asgetrion, re. this: "I have questions concerning the lost dwarven realm of Thunderholme. Namely, which clans inhabited its halls, and what did its coat-of-arms and badge look like?"
Its badge (not full blazon or coat-of-arms, just the badge) was an upright side-on hammer (pick end to the viewer's left, bludgeoning end to the viewer's right), with a three-zigzag lightning bolt running down the shaft or handle, superimposed on an open scroll (curled-over ends down both sides, paralleling the hammer shaft, no lettering visible on the scroll, the curled-over ends curling "toward" the viewer).
This was simplified, when scratched on hard rock, to a vertical lighting bolt with a pick end protruding from viewer's-left side of its top, and hammer end protruding from the viewer's-right side.

A thousand thanks, milady!

"What am I doing today? Ask me tomorrow - I can be sure of giving you the right answer then."
-- Askarran of Selgaunt, Master Sage, speaking to a curious merchant, Year of the Helm
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Learned Scribe

148 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2014 :  05:38:43  Show Profile  Visit Knightfall's Homepage Send Knightfall a Private Message
Another question for Ed and THO, if I may?

What are the premium dwarven only establishments in Waterdeep? Inns, taverns, and the like? More specifically, is there a dwarven weaponsmithy in the city that is run by dwarves and caters mainly to dwarves (and, maybe, gnomes)?

Edited by - Knightfall on 16 Oct 2014 05:42:36
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Jeremy Grenemyer
Great Reader

2717 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2014 :  05:45:55  Show Profile Send Jeremy Grenemyer a Private Message
Well Again THO and Ed,

Two sets of three questions each about Cormyr, in the year 1479 DR:

Firstly: some yes/no:

1. Along the length of the Ranger’s Way, between Waymoot and Dhedluk, does any part of the Way, the trees or brush nearby, the space above the road or the air all around, react in a visible manner (whether by physical movement, change in temperature, magical emanation or some other form of noticeable change) whenever a Royal passes through that part of the road?

2. “Bury Elminster Deep” notes that Lady Greatgaunt has forty-six almost identical sapphire-trimmed gowns. In terms of gowns-with-lots-of-gems-on-them ownership amongst noblewomen, is Lady Greatgaunt tops in terms of raw numbers of gem-filled gowns owned?

3. Are their festhall-type boats that sail out on the Wyvernwater that offer privacy and/or an anything goes atmosphere for paying clients?

Second, some general questions:

1. If a player character asked Arclath Delcastle what is the most haunted building in Suzail, excluding the Royal Court and Palace, and Arclath desired to give a truthful answer (to the limits of his knowledge), what would his answer be?

2. In terms of gardening in Suzail, is there a form of plant (grass, flower, weed, tree, bush, etc.) that no self-respecting gardener does without? If yes, could you please list its name?

3. Was there ever a time in Cormyr’s long history where a dwarf living in Suzail controlled more wealth than the sitting Cormyrean monarch of that time? If yes, is that dwarf still living as of 1479 DR?

As ever, thank you both very much.

Look for me and my content at EN World (user name: sanishiver).

Edited by - Jeremy Grenemyer on 16 Oct 2014 19:15:34
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Senior Scribe

878 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2014 :  14:34:58  Show Profile Send Demzer a Private Message
Gracious Lady, Revered Master,

What can you tell us about Star Elves? Were they created whole cloth for the novels? Do they exist in Ed's Realms? Did they replace another branch of lost elven people? Is there anything more of their history, society and culture that you can tell us?

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Gary Dallison
Great Reader

United Kingdom
6369 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2014 :  14:48:30  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message
Hi Ed/THO, on a ever so slightly related note to Star Elves.

Where/how did the aquatic elves arrive on Faerun.

Did they exist in Faerie and then migrate to Faerun or did they arrive in Faerun as other types of elves and then transform themselves (or were transformed).

And if they were transformed could you give an indication of what time frame this occured in. I picked -26000 DR as a date out of the hat and made them appear in the Inner Sea first to avoid the dragon/giant wars around that time.

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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6673 Posts

Posted - 17 Oct 2014 :  01:29:43  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message
"Sea of Fallen Stars" by Steven Schend gives information about how a host of elves transformed themselves into aquatic elves after the Crown Wars. Aquatic elves existed prior to that however.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 17 Oct 2014 05:52:29
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