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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 01 Oct 2004 :  16:02:15  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lord Rad

Ya know, I was talkin about the fate of the horses only the other day to a friend of mine. I liked to think that they wandered off into the forest and eventually escaped

Alas, in truth, I think the trolls would have only been picking at the remains after they were likely slain alongside Brant

Whilst I'm here, I'll take this opportunity again to say what an excellent novel this is A fantastic FR novel, and a beautiful novel of elven flavor

Maybe it's just my having read many a comic book in the past, but I embrace the "no body seen on screen, no death" rule. I'm still holding out hope that Brant is still alive.

I agree with the folks above--great novel.


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Lord Rad
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Posted - 01 Oct 2004 :  17:43:37  Show Profile  Visit Lord Rad's Homepage Send Lord Rad a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Steven Schend

Maybe it's just my having read many a comic book in the past, but I embrace the "no body seen on screen, no death" rule. I'm still holding out hope that Brant is still alive.

I agree with the folks above--great novel.


I'll go with that
That scene will stick in my mind forever more. So tragic and so beautifully done. I had to put the book down after I read that part, compose myself, then contact a friend who was reading the novel at the same time to discuss, before I could continue

Quite right though, Brant may return ::nudges Rich Baker::

Lord Rad

"What? No, I wasn't reading your module. I was just looking at the pictures"
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 08 Oct 2004 :  16:17:39  Show Profile  Visit Krafus's Homepage Send Krafus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hello, Mr. Baker.

I recently had the pleasure of reading Condemnation and Forsaken House back-to-back, and I must say I'm very impressed. In Condemnation, you managed to remain true to the characters' personalities of earlier books. And Forsaken House... That has to be the best FR novel I read in several years (and I've mostly been keeping up with the FR novel line)! It was obvious you'd done a lot of research about previous FR sourcebooks and novels before writing it. I smiled and nodded several times when I saw characters and names familiar from other FR sources. FH has sparked anew my interest in FR and Dungeons & Dragons in general, and elves in particular. For that, I thank you.

Speaking of elves, the number-cruncher in me has come up with a few interrogations... What level are Seiveril Miritar, Fflar Melruth and Saelethil Dlardrageth? I'll understand if you can't give me a precise level, but I'd really like to know at least in what range of levels they are (or were, in Saelethil's case).
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 11 Oct 2004 :  19:48:09  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I'm glad you liked them! And yes, I did a pretty good heap of research on Forsaken House; lots of poking around in "Cormanthyr, Empire of the Elves," "Fall of Myth Drannor," "Evermeet," and others. There's a flub or two I wish I hadn't made, but I tried hard to get it mostly right.

Here's my thinking on the characters you mention:

Seiveril: 21st-level cleric. He throws an epic resurrection spell to bring back Fflar. Maybe it was a miracle spell, though, in which case Seiveril could be 17th or 18th and get away with it.

Fflar: Maybe a 15th to 20th level fighter? Not sure exactly. When you're not dealing with a spellcaster, you don't have to be as exact in setting mental limits on the characters.

Saelethil: 25th-level wizard. He was an evil High Mage, after all.

Originally posted by Krafus

Hello, Mr. Baker.

I recently had the pleasure of reading Condemnation and Forsaken House back-to-back, and I must say I'm very impressed. In Condemnation, you managed to remain true to the characters' personalities of earlier books. And Forsaken House... That has to be the best FR novel I read in several years (and I've mostly been keeping up with the FR novel line)! It was obvious you'd done a lot of research about previous FR sourcebooks and novels before writing it. I smiled and nodded several times when I saw characters and names familiar from other FR sources. FH has sparked anew my interest in FR and Dungeons & Dragons in general, and elves in particular. For that, I thank you.

Speaking of elves, the number-cruncher in me has come up with a few interrogations... What level are Seiveril Miritar, Fflar Melruth and Saelethil Dlardrageth? I'll understand if you can't give me a precise level, but I'd really like to know at least in what range of levels they are (or were, in Saelethil's case).

Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 12 Oct 2004 :  14:18:36  Show Profile  Visit Krafus's Homepage Send Krafus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There's a flub or two I wish I hadn't made, but I tried hard to get it mostly right.

And you succeeded, Mr. Baker. I didn't notice any flubs.

Fflar: Maybe a 15th to 20th level fighter? Not sure exactly. When you're not dealing with a spellcaster, you don't have to be as exact in setting mental limits on the characters.

Saelethil: 25th-level wizard. He was an evil High Mage, after all.

Saelethil 25th level? Wow. No wonder he was contemptuous of Araevin. Is that 25 straight levels of wizard, or did he have a few levels of Archmage or some other arcane prestige class? As for Fflar, given the ease he had in fighting, I had him pegged in the 16th-20th level range (I was certain he had 4 attacks per round).

Edited by - Krafus on 12 Oct 2004 14:19:48
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Posted - 24 Nov 2004 :  03:05:51  Show Profile  Visit valmontte's Homepage Send valmontte a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've just bought The Last Mythal today and, conincidently, I also bought the Underdark accessory in the same trip to the book store. Now I began reading the first few chapters of The Last Mythal before I needed a break and bpicked up the Underdark. In my first pass through the Underdark I noticed that there was a character in the art also refered to (and identically resembling the cover art for The Last Mythal) as Araevin.

Now I assume this is an intentional move by WotC. However, I am very intruiged by this fact. In the first chapter Araevin mentions the Company of the White Star; Are Belmora and Sanidine (Araevin's companions seen on the cover and interior of the Underdark) members of this adventuring group?

All in all... what more can we be told of Araevin's past (that we might not gleen from the trilogy? Also... what would Araevin's game stats be at the start of this novel? I'm a stat nut myself...

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Learned Scribe

273 Posts

Posted - 25 Nov 2004 :  15:55:50  Show Profile  Visit Crust's Homepage Send Crust a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hi, Mr. Baker.

Just wanted to drop a quick message and let you know that I thought Forsaken House was absolutely awesome. Thanks for this new series.

"That's right, hurl back views that force ye to think by name-calling - 'tis the grand old tradition, let it not down! Anything to keep from having to think, or - Mystra forfend - change thy own views!"

Narnra glowered at her father. "Just how am I to learn how to think? By being taught by you?"

"Some folk in the Realms would give their lives for the chance to learn at my feet," Elminster said mildly. "Several already have."

~from Elminster's Daughter, Ed Greenwood

Edited by - Crust on 25 Nov 2004 15:57:09
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Posted - 25 Nov 2004 :  16:57:59  Show Profile  Visit valmontte's Homepage Send valmontte a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Alright, so I finished reading all of Forsaken House last night. And along with all the other praise, an excellent, excellent novel in all regards and respects.

I am especially drawn to this novel because one of the first adventures I ran my players through as a DM was the 2nd edition adventure surrounding the destruction of Hellgate Keep by the Harpers, and indeed I am contemplating converting Forsaken House to an adventure for my players (though most of those characters died in Hellgate Keep they can continue on the story as Araevin and crew.)

I found that Belmora was indeed in the Company of the White Star (see my earlier post), however Sanidine from the Underdark accessory was not mentioned in Forsaken House.

Here is my rationalization for it:
Araevin spent many years traveling Faerūn in his studies and I'm sure his Company of the White Star was composed of many different members through different periods of his travels.

I've also noticecd the likeness of Araevin on numerous other Realms products as I've taken the time to leaf through my other sourcebooks after discovering the similarities between the Forsaken House art and the Underdark art.

That being said...
Mr Baker, perhaps after you finish up your Last Mythal series, you'd be willing to put on paper some of Araevin's earlier adventures in the form of short stories or game articles to appear in Dragon or Dungeon Magazine. That'd be awesome. Also, while I skipped reading most of the points on this board while I read the novel to avoid spoilers, I took the time to read it all this morning, and did find general level approximations for Araevin and some of the rest. However, I'd still love to see complete stats for Araevin and his crew as well as some of the villians and supporting cast from Forsaken House in a Dragon article some time soon (hopefully around the time you release your second enstallment of Last Mythal).

So I think I'm rambling now and I'll sign off. Happy Thanksgiving all.
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Valondil the Ranger
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 27 Nov 2004 :  21:51:19  Show Profile  Visit Valondil the Ranger's Homepage Send Valondil the Ranger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mr. Baker,

I'm very interested in reading Forsaken House, since I've heard nothing but good things about it. I haven't come across one bad review. Now that alone is enough to catch my eye

Anyway, the only problem I see is that I'm not familiar at all with the history of Toril's elves. Do you recommend me reading previous books in order to understand your Last Mythal Trilogy, or can I just jump right in?

Thanks a lot for your time.

--Your humble ranger,

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 29 Nov 2004 :  13:18:23  Show Profile  Visit Ty's Homepage Send Ty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mr. Baker,

No questions for you today. Forsaken House was a wonderful novel that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. I've forgotten how wonderful the Forgotten Realms are in the hands of a skilled writer. In short, Thank You! I look forward to your continuation of the series.
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 29 Nov 2004 :  20:48:21  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I've been second-guessing myself on this one in the last couple of months. Here's how it happened:

About three years ago, we created a set of "iconic" FR characters for use in playtesting and as generic FR adventurers on covers and in illustrations--just like core D&D uses Jozan, Regdar, Tordek, and the rest. Araevin was one of these characters (a sun elf wizard, obviously), and so we occasionally used him for illos, just as we randomly cycled through various sets of these characters for different FR products. Obviously, a set of generic adventurers have higher usefulness in some products than in others--so these guys appeared in City of the Spider Queen and Underdark, but not in Shining South or Unapproachable East.

(Belmora, Sanidine, and others are also on this list of iconic FR adventurers. The whole FR team at the time tackled this list, so the characters were created by different FR designers and editors. Araevin happened to be one I made up, though, so he's mine as much as he's anybody's. Other FR iconics included Teherrun, a tiefling rogue; Evendur, an aasimar paladin; Valak Vrinn, a drow bard; and Mara, a female human barbarian.)

When I started working on Forsaken House, I knew that I wanted an elf protagonist, since the whole series was supposed to be about elves. And more specifically I wanted a sun elf protagonist, because I sort of wanted to "rehabilitate" sun elves a bit. They've come off as more lawful evil than chaotic good in a lot of the material we've done about elves. Once I settled on a sun elf wizard, I naturally began to think of him as "Araevin" and used the name as a placeholder in the early story outlines. But the placeholder grew on me, and I eventually said to myself, "I like the name, I like the look, why change it?"

Anyway, I certainly knew that we'd used Araevin in a fair amount of art in several RPG sourcebooks, but I decided to stick with Araevin-the-iconic as the vision for Araevin-the-protagonist. In retrospect, it might have been a little "cleaner" to just make up a whole new name for the guy in Forsaken House, but there it is.

Araevin clearly has a history of adventuring in Faerun, but I think it's also clear that Araevin (the Forsaken House protagonist) couldn't have stomped around in Maerimydra in the events of the City of the Spider Queen adventure, where Araevin (the iconic adventurer) happens to appear. The timing's off, since we know that close to twenty years have gone by since Araevin last adventured with his old comrades. That's one of the reasons I'm second-guessing myself on the use of the same character name.

Originally posted by valmontte

I've just bought The Last Mythal today and, conincidently, I also bought the Underdark accessory in the same trip to the book store. Now I began reading the first few chapters of The Last Mythal before I needed a break and bpicked up the Underdark. In my first pass through the Underdark I noticed that there was a character in the art also refered to (and identically resembling the cover art for The Last Mythal) as Araevin.

Now I assume this is an intentional move by WotC. However, I am very intruiged by this fact. In the first chapter Araevin mentions the Company of the White Star; Are Belmora and Sanidine (Araevin's companions seen on the cover and interior of the Underdark) members of this adventuring group?

All in all... what more can we be told of Araevin's past (that we might not gleen from the trilogy? Also... what would Araevin's game stats be at the start of this novel? I'm a stat nut myself...


Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 29 Nov 2004 :  20:53:16  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I think you could handle it easily enough. Several folks in my immediate family read it, and none of them are gamers or FR fans. They didn't seem to have any real trouble. (But then Mom will always say she liked it, won't she?)

One of the criticisms I've heard about the book is that I tell you too many times about how Evermeet got invaded just a couple of years ago. I tried to be pretty clear about who was who and what happened when as far as history and backstory go.

Originally posted by Valondil the Ranger

Mr. Baker,

I'm very interested in reading Forsaken House, since I've heard nothing but good things about it. I haven't come across one bad review. Now that alone is enough to catch my eye

Anyway, the only problem I see is that I'm not familiar at all with the history of Toril's elves. Do you recommend me reading previous books in order to understand your Last Mythal Trilogy, or can I just jump right in?

Thanks a lot for your time.

Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Posted - 04 Dec 2004 :  02:08:16  Show Profile  Visit Hoondatha's Homepage Send Hoondatha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hi there. I've been gone a while and have been trying to read my way back into the present (both here and with novels), though I haven't been able to read much in this thread because I'm only a few pages into Forsaken House and dont' want it spoiled. So, my first comment is a thanks to everyone for using spoiler markers and allowing me to (mostly) safely skip around.

My main question, though, deals with the whole War of the Spider Queen, and, as I'm currently about a quarter of the way through Condemnation (I know, I know, but I don't like buying hardcovers, and so I have to wait for them to come out in paperback), I thought I'd address the question to Mr. Baker.

Forgive me if this has been asked by others elsewhere, but I'm really curious how the series came about, what RA Salvatore's role in it is (just editor? originated the idea?), was there a great meeting-of-the-authors or outline of where things would be going? I'm really curious about everything behind the pages, and anything you could shed light on would be wonderful.

Many thanks.

Doggedly converting 3e back to what D&D should be...
Sigh... And now 4e as well.
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New Zealand
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Posted - 06 Dec 2004 :  08:13:23  Show Profile  Visit Seismo's Homepage Send Seismo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I see that Dungeons & Dragons For Dummies is coming out next year.

Heh, I wonder what's in this one.

I should read it. Might learn how to play.

Edited by - Seismo on 06 Dec 2004 08:15:03
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Posted - 06 Dec 2004 :  18:50:46  Show Profile  Visit valmontte's Homepage Send valmontte a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, personally, I like seeing Araevin-the-protaganist and Araevin-the-iconic side by side. Heck, the more art you have of a character, the better... I can understand you second-guessing your decision due to his appearance in City of the Spider Queen because that plays with the time line... so my suggestion is put him in sourcebooks, but keep him out of adventures. After all, Araevin-the-protaginist did have a wide adventuring campaign of his own... so if he appears in sourcebooks from different areas of Faerūn, thats just fine... but putting him in adventures may "mess with" his time line even more...
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Lord Rad
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Posted - 11 Dec 2004 :  19:21:16  Show Profile  Visit Lord Rad's Homepage Send Lord Rad a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I see the new cover art and details page is up at WotC for Farthest Reach.

Rich, what can you tell us about the picture on the cover? I assume you're very happy with this artwork I'm very much looking forward to this novel, the first book in the trilogy was amazing.

Lord Rad

"What? No, I wasn't reading your module. I was just looking at the pictures"
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 11 Dec 2004 :  21:59:07  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by RichardBaker

When I started working on Forsaken House, I knew that I wanted an elf protagonist, since the whole series was supposed to be about elves. And more specifically I wanted a sun elf protagonist, because I sort of wanted to "rehabilitate" sun elves a bit. They've come off as more lawful evil than chaotic good in a lot of the material we've done about elves.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

You're the King, Rich: I've hoped for a long time that an FR author would tackle this erroneous image the literature sun elves have been displaying. A million thanks!

an avid sun elf fan, who firmly believes that elitism does not imply racism or slavery... Ayn Rand rules!!
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Posted - 12 Dec 2004 :  04:40:02  Show Profile  Visit Hoondatha's Homepage Send Hoondatha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is DEFINATELY not the place to get into an argument over Ann Rand and her rather extreme philosophy, so I'm not going to touch it.

That said, I wanted to voice agreement with the first half of that post. I'm really glad that the sun elves are getting some "hero" treatment, in addition to their "non-drow elven villian" treatment. I think both are needed, and we haven't been seeing much of the first view.

Doggedly converting 3e back to what D&D should be...
Sigh... And now 4e as well.
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 12 Dec 2004 :  09:31:44  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hoondatha

This is DEFINATELY not the place to get into an argument over Ann Rand and her rather extreme philosophy, so I'm not going to touch it.
I was talking about Ayn Rand, not Ann Rand... I have not read the work of Ann Rand, but Google showed me the following list:

Maybe we were talking about two different persons? The "Ayn" Rand I was referring to does not strike me as someone "extreme"... (philosophical, yes... extreme, doubtful... unless you care to elaborate?)
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 12 Dec 2004 :  19:09:54  Show Profile  Visit wwwwwww's Homepage Send wwwwwww a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mr. Baker,

Do you have a personal website?
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 13 Dec 2004 :  18:13:04  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Sorry, but I don't. Maybe that's the next project I'll tackle once I finish up the Last Mythal trilogy.

Originally posted by wwwwwww

Mr. Baker,

Do you have a personal website?

Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 13 Dec 2004 :  23:44:22  Show Profile  Visit Mystery_Man's Homepage Send Mystery_Man a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hi Rich!

This question may have been asked before so I apologize in advance. My curiosity was piqued from another thread and now I have to know. Years ago Mystra banned 10th level spells (back in 2E) and now that we're into 3E and Epic spells does this ban still apply? There are spells of Epic level in the PGtF so I would assume that this ban is now lifted? What's going on?
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Posted - 14 Dec 2004 :  17:34:32  Show Profile  Visit Hoondatha's Homepage Send Hoondatha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ayn Rand and Ann Rand are the same person (well, at least as I was referring to them. I'm sure there are other Ann Rands out there). She changed her name from Ann to Ayn (or at least that's what I remember from English class). And I would call any philosophy that advocates doing whatever you have to do to others just to advance yourself both extreme and rather ugly.

But that's all I want to say on this subject. I'd much rather talk about books I like.

PS: Just finished Forsaken House, and it's a really good read. Just one question: what happened to Sarya's psionicist son?

Doggedly converting 3e back to what D&D should be...
Sigh... And now 4e as well.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 14 Dec 2004 :  20:34:18  Show Profile  Visit Krafus's Homepage Send Krafus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by HoondathaPS: Just finished Forsaken House, and it's a really good read. Just one question: what happened to Sarya's psionicist son?

I think I can answer that one... In Lords of Darkness, p. 126, we learn that Ryvvik (the son in question) tried to usurp Sarya's position and got killed for it.

Edited by - Krafus on 14 Dec 2004 20:35:24
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Purple Dragon Knight
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Posted - 15 Dec 2004 :  08:28:18  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hoondatha

And I would call any philosophy that advocates doing whatever you have to do to others just to advance yourself both extreme and rather ugly.
Hmm... you seem more solid than me on this subject. I don't know her that much except for having read "Atlas Shrugged," which I found somewhat refreshing and encouraging as a nerd with high hopes of one day, contributing to the betterment of this world. It's a good example of planning and developing a strategy for a business idea one may have: it basically shows that one should take action when they have the smarts to succeed... too many friends and relatives I know shortchange themselves on a regular basis and end up trading their dreams for small desires.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 21 Dec 2004 :  14:36:13  Show Profile  Visit Xysma's Homepage Send Xysma a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What a book! You've really created some memorable (and hopefully long-lasting) characters. I especially enjoyed Maresa, what prompted you to use a genasi? As cool as they are, they get little treatment in the novels. Also, I had really hoped that Grayth had access to the Renewal domain of Lathander, I really hated to see him go.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 21 Dec 2004 :  19:02:51  Show Profile Send SirUrza a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So I started Forsaken City yesterday (against my better judgement because I had to many things going on.) I don't really want to reread the first 5 chapters over, but I feel almost like I missed something.

The back of Forsaken House states Araevin is from Evereska, but everything I've read (the first 70something pages) leads me to think he's from Evermeet. Did I overlook something or is the back of the book a misprint?

"Evil prevails when good men fail to act."
The original and unapologetic Arilyn, Aribeth, Seoni Fanboy.
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Posted - 22 Dec 2004 :  05:02:49  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SirUrza
The back of Forsaken House states Araevin is from Evereska, but everything I've read (the first 70something pages) leads me to think he's from Evermeet. Did I overlook something or is the back of the book a misprint?

I think that's a misprint. He's clearly as you have found out in the novel from Evermeet. His fiance also needs to put a bell around his neck to keep track of him.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 22 Dec 2004 :  05:22:45  Show Profile Send SirUrza a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

I think that's a misprint. He's clearly as you have found out in the novel from Evermeet. His fiance also needs to put a bell around his neck to keep track of him.

Yes, that I found out too.

Well I'm glad I didn't misread anything and that the back cover was botched. Just 1 inaccuracy that everyone involved in final production completely overlooked. Makes me wonder if the person incharge of the cover et al actually read the novel. :)

"Evil prevails when good men fail to act."
The original and unapologetic Arilyn, Aribeth, Seoni Fanboy.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 22 Dec 2004 :  14:26:46  Show Profile  Visit Krafus's Homepage Send Krafus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Forsaken House's cover nearly makes me grind my teeth whenever I see it... Have you seen the size of Araevin's (I assume it's Araevin) arms and fingers? His arms are way too muscled, and his fingers have the thickness of a dwarf's. Not only is he an elf, but he's a mage, who don't tend toward physical exercise overmuch. And there's no hint in the book that he's got a bodybuilder fetish.

Oh, and Mr. Baker, have you thought about publishing certain characters' stats in Dragon Magazine? I know I'd like to see the full stats of Araevin, Ilsevele, Seiveril, Sarya and Fflar.
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