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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

129 Posts

Posted - 22 Aug 2006 :  00:04:24  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
She sticks with the Crusade, serving with the various healers that accompany the elven army. As it turned out I never really got back into the "hospital" again (there is one scene in Forsaken House where I did), so she never happened to cross paths with the protagonists again.

I intended for some characters to move into and out of the story, sometimes a little abruptly. Filsaelene first appeared in Forsaken House to illustrate the point that the fey'ri had sinister intentions in mind for any sun elf prisoners who fell into their hands. Having put her in the story to be rescued, I decided to have her road wind alongside Araevin's for a time before letting her go her own way. I suppose I was striving for a sense of verisimilitude; in a big, chaotic, hectic time of battles and adventures you might find different people around you at different times, and not always because someone had gotten killed and replaced.

Originally posted by Lameth

can you tell us where Filsaelene disappears to?

Whoosh and she was gone.

Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

129 Posts

Posted - 22 Aug 2006 :  00:09:28  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Merritt is an acquired taste, no doubt. I have a soft spot for 1940s and 1950s SF; I can't tell you how many times I've read Doc Smith's Lensman books. To each his own.

The action in the Cormyr adventure mostly takes place in Wheloon and the Vast Swamp.

I will soon be starting a new FR trilogy, but I really can't say much about it yet. I have only the sketchiest plans so far.

Originally posted by Mkhaiwati

Thanks for the reply's to questions, and more importantly, looking ta the thread that KnightErrantJR started on the other boards. It does mean a lot. (I would've said something there but even with a cable modem, it takes so long to navigate those boards sometimes.)

I possess some of Merritt's work, but can't really get into them. I have tried a couple of times.

Since this is supposed to be a question scroll, can you give us any idea what maps might be found within the Cormyr supplement, specifically maps of towns. (i.e should I continue mapping some villages in Cormyr on my own or just wait?)

Also, do you have any other writing projects planned? I did enjoy the Last Mythal trilogy.


Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Head Moderator

United Kingdom
5696 Posts

Posted - 22 Aug 2006 :  10:22:46  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by RichardBaker

I will soon be starting a new FR trilogy, but I really can't say much about it yet. I have only the sketchiest plans so far.

Well met

Now that's the kind of news I love to see first thing in a morn I'm very excited about even the slight mention of this and look forward to ye spilling some beans about this in the future, Richard

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 22 Aug 2006 :  15:53:15  Show Profile  Visit Mkhaiwati's Homepage Send Mkhaiwati a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks! I can continue mapping as I am not touching those areas.

I will soon be starting a new FR trilogy, but I really can't say much about it yet. I have only the sketchiest plans so far.

I am also looking forward to it, Alaundo.


"Behold the work of the old... let your heritage not be lost but bequeath it as a memory, treasure and blessing... Gather the lost and the hidden and preserve it for thy children."

"not nale. not-nale. thog help nail not-nale, not nale. and thog knot not-nale while nale nail not-nale. nale, not not-nale, now nail not-nale by leaving not-nale, not nale, in jail." OotS #367
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 23 Sep 2006 :  14:38:25  Show Profile  Visit Wandering_mage's Homepage Send Wandering_mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hello Mr Baker,
I am currently reading the first book in your Last Mythal series and might I say that Araevin is so similar to what I want my elven mage to be that I am now sad because I am 10th level and I can't change my feats to be more like him. Hahaha, anyways, you have written quite a gem. No wonder Ed says this is one of his favorite books. I really like how you portray Araevin as a capable yet also not perfect. As he finds himself rather useless during the golem fight I have also found my mage in the same situation. You obviously really thought out Araevin. Then again I am a huge fan of mages....and elves....and this series now. Araevin's party is very neat in its composition. You have written such a great story and I can't say that enough.

The Wandering Mage
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 23 Sep 2006 :  16:52:55  Show Profile  Visit Wandering_mage's Homepage Send Wandering_mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I am soooo silly, I just realized you wrote City of Ravens book, and Condemnation. Sadly I never took the time to look at the authors name long enough to realize the same author wrote both books. So now that I look like a complete idiot I shall say this, Both the above mentioned books rocked! Jack Ravenwild was entertaining and absolutley well thought out. He had charm and an almost James Bond/Aladdin/Ladies Man character feel to him. When I say Ladies Man I am referring to the Tim Meadows movie/character. WotSQ on the other hand is probably my favorite FR series. Although the Last Mythal series might steal that title. You really bring a different look with your books adding on to the greats works (Greenwood, Salvatore, Schend). It is refreshing and quite an adventure. I really need to be more observant with my realmslore and book knowledge. Sorry about the late congrats on those two books.

The Wandering Mage
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

129 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2006 :  21:50:32  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the kind words, Mage! I'm glad you've enjoyed my books. I plan to start another Realms series soon, but you won't see the first of those for a while yet.

Originally posted by Wandering_mage

I am soooo silly, I just realized you wrote City of Ravens book, and Condemnation. Sadly I never took the time to look at the authors name long enough to realize the same author wrote both books. So now that I look like a complete idiot I shall say this, Both the above mentioned books rocked! Jack Ravenwild was entertaining and absolutley well thought out. He had charm and an almost James Bond/Aladdin/Ladies Man character feel to him. When I say Ladies Man I am referring to the Tim Meadows movie/character. WotSQ on the other hand is probably my favorite FR series. Although the Last Mythal series might steal that title. You really bring a different look with your books adding on to the greats works (Greenwood, Salvatore, Schend). It is refreshing and quite an adventure. I really need to be more observant with my realmslore and book knowledge. Sorry about the late congrats on those two books.

Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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New Zealand
84 Posts

Posted - 28 Sep 2006 :  12:52:53  Show Profile Send Thangorn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I recently read the first two last mythal novels after a long break from reading forgotten realms novels.. I must say these are some brilliant pieces of work right here Richard. I love books that can engage me and these certainly did that well. You are right up there as one of the best Forgotten Realms Authors in my view.

Your portrayals of the scenes with both Maalthiir and Fzoul were particularly good I thought.

I actually had a quick question about Maalthiir's personal guard of those freaky warriors with the black eyes. When Sarya Dlardrageth meets Maalthiir for the first time she mentions the taint of planar magic on these beings. I wonder whether you can elaborate on what manner of creature these might be.

forgive my ignorance if this is mentioned in the third last mythal novel as I havent found it in Brisbane, Australia yet and havent gotten around to ordering it.


Ex-A Land Far Away (ALFA) DM/Builder

Faerunian Canon Despot
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Senior Scribe

577 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2006 :  16:46:55  Show Profile Send WalkerNinja a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mr. Baker

First let me say that I've really enjoyed your work on the realms these last few years. On to the questions...

1) Can we expect a Campaign Journal Update (as appeared in PGtF) so that we can see some of the ramifications of your latest trilogy?

2) Does Zhentil Keep now rule Hillsfar as a kind of protectorate, or did we just witness a city state evolve into a nation?

3) Does Hillsfar retain its persecution of demi-humans now that it is under Zhentarim control (it always seemed like that was Maalthir's idea anyways)?


*** A Forgotten Realms Addict since 1990 ***
Treasures of the Past, a Second Edition Play-by-Post game for and by Candlekeep Sages--
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

129 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2006 :  01:46:01  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thanks! Glad you liked the books.

I don't know if I ever really decided exactly what Maalthiir's creepy swordsmen were, other than some sort of extraplanar undead or constructs. Clearly they were much less bothered by being hacked to bits than they should have been, and they seemed to have a sort of collective mind or consciousness so that they acted in perfect unison without speaking. Beyond that, heck, I sorta just made them up. There's an old Planescape monster called a "keeper" that might just barely describe Maalthiir's guard, but I think I was really after something else, something new.

Originally posted by Thangorn

I recently read the first two last mythal novels after a long break from reading forgotten realms novels.. I must say these are some brilliant pieces of work right here Richard. I love books that can engage me and these certainly did that well. You are right up there as one of the best Forgotten Realms Authors in my view.

Your portrayals of the scenes with both Maalthiir and Fzoul were particularly good I thought.

I actually had a quick question about Maalthiir's personal guard of those freaky warriors with the black eyes. When Sarya Dlardrageth meets Maalthiir for the first time she mentions the taint of planar magic on these beings. I wonder whether you can elaborate on what manner of creature these might be.

forgive my ignorance if this is mentioned in the third last mythal novel as I havent found it in Brisbane, Australia yet and havent gotten around to ordering it.


Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

129 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2006 :  01:56:56  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
My pleasure!

As for your questions...

1) Campaign Journal. Nothing planned for the moment. I don't know what game product on the current schedule we would put it in.

2) Hillsfar is pretty much a tributary state to Zhentil Keep at the end of the series. It's wealthy and strong enough that the Zhents can't completely subsume it, but for years to come you can assume that Hillsfar won't do much without Fzoul's say-so. I would expect a lot of scheming, plotting, conniving, and backstabbing for quite some time. I see Hillsfar being governed by an ineffectual council of its wealthy merchant lords. Some collaborate with the Zhents, others resist Zhentish influence. There's a Zhent military legate who oversees "law and order" in the city, but I expect he's crooked, and I can see the high priest of the new temple of Bane scheming to make himself tyrant of the city. But overall the Zhents are trying to swallow a prize that might be a bit too big to digest.

3) Zhentil Keep has every reason to be highly suspicious of elven meddling in Hillsfar, and there are probably more than a few Red Plume holdouts still occupying influential positions in the city. On the other hand, I imagine that some of the "better" merchant lords--people who weren't all that happy under Maalthiir and likely disapproved of his humanocentric ways--might turn to Coronal Miritar and her people for help in wriggling out of Zhentish control. So, no arenas for now, but elves ought to expect to be harassed and spied upon every moment they're in the city.

Originally posted by WalkerNinja

Mr. Baker

First let me say that I've really enjoyed your work on the realms these last few years. On to the questions...

1) Can we expect a Campaign Journal Update (as appeared in PGtF) so that we can see some of the ramifications of your latest trilogy?

2) Does Zhentil Keep now rule Hillsfar as a kind of protectorate, or did we just witness a city state evolve into a nation?

3) Does Hillsfar retain its persecution of demi-humans now that it is under Zhentarim control (it always seemed like that was Maalthir's idea anyways)?


Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Senior Scribe

577 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2006 :  02:34:38  Show Profile Send WalkerNinja a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks Rich!

*** A Forgotten Realms Addict since 1990 ***
Treasures of the Past, a Second Edition Play-by-Post game for and by Candlekeep Sages--
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Senior Scribe

688 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2006 :  21:47:53  Show Profile  Visit Wandering_mage's Homepage Send Wandering_mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Quick question Rich, what spell is cast when Araevin uses his wand of Disruption? Oh, and I just finished forsaken House and I am now on the next book, Farthest Reach. Damn this story rocks!

The Wandering Mage
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 06 Oct 2006 :  21:52:02  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
It's "resonating bolt" in the 3.5 Spell Compendium. It used to be "lance of disruption" in Player's Option: Spells and Magic, which I wrote a few years back.

Enjoy the rest of the story!

Originally posted by Wandering_mage

Quick question Rich, what spell is cast when Araevin uses his wand of Disruption? Oh, and I just finished forsaken House and I am now on the next book, Farthest Reach. Damn this story rocks!

Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Master of Realmslore

1564 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2006 :  00:08:40  Show Profile  Visit Asgetrion's Homepage Send Asgetrion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well met, Rich!

Now that the Faiths of Eberron is out, is there any chance for a Faiths of Faerûn?

I mean a book consisting of religious "fluff" and details - rituals, blessings/curses, terminology/vocabulary for each faith (i.e. fallen paladins or priests are known as 'Dark Watchers' within Helm's faith), daily chores, temple/shrine descriptions, heresies ('Heretic of the Faith'-feat is a marvelous DM tool :) and all that. No prestige classes, monsters or NPC statistics. Sort of usinf the lore presented in Faiths and Avatars and Faiths and Pantheons but taking it a bit further :)

Many scribes have asked very detailed religious questions from Ed here at Candlekeep ("How would a worshipper of Bane act in an inn?" or "How would a Cyricist react in the situation I have described" etc.)
I honestly think it would probably sell quite well, if Eric and Ed did it :)

"What am I doing today? Ask me tomorrow - I can be sure of giving you the right answer then."
-- Askarran of Selgaunt, Master Sage, speaking to a curious merchant, Year of the Helm
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Great Reader

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Posted - 08 Oct 2006 :  04:12:29  Show Profile Send Kuje a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Asgetrion

Well met, Rich!

Now that the Faiths of Eberron is out, is there any chance for a Faiths of Faerûn?

I mean a book consisting of religious "fluff" and details - rituals, blessings/curses, terminology/vocabulary for each faith (i.e. fallen paladins or priests are known as 'Dark Watchers' within Helm's faith), daily chores, temple/shrine descriptions, heresies ('Heretic of the Faith'-feat is a marvelous DM tool :) and all that. No prestige classes, monsters or NPC statistics. Sort of usinf the lore presented in Faiths and Avatars and Faiths and Pantheons but taking it a bit further :)

Many scribes have asked very detailed religious questions from Ed here at Candlekeep ("How would a worshipper of Bane act in an inn?" or "How would a Cyricist react in the situation I have described" etc.)
I honestly think it would probably sell quite well, if Eric and Ed did it :)

I asked at Gencon.... I guess they thought it was a good idea and so they'd think about it.....

For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet and excite you... Books are full of the things that you don't get in real life - wonderful, lyrical language, for instance, right off the bat. - Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 08 Oct 2006 :  05:06:56  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Asgetrion

Well met, Rich!

Now that the Faiths of Eberron is out, is there any chance for a Faiths of Faerûn?
The fact that some EB-specific religious rituals and clerical practices were referenced and detailed within FoE, tends to make me think WotC may have started looking at this aspect of its various campaign settings with the intention of doing the same for FR as well, I hope.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 08 Oct 2006 :  12:08:04  Show Profile  Visit Wandering_mage's Homepage Send Wandering_mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It's only fair that they cover Faerun. Is there a more detailed campaign setting to match it? I say nay! Now with that said a question for Rich, and I promise I will stop after this question. Concerning Araevin's study of High Magic I am slightly expecting a controlling action to occur on the behalf of Tower Reilloch. The danger of a "self taught" (selukiira helping out a lot) High Mage kinda makes Araevin a wild card. I'm really relating to everything Araevin is about (self-sacrifice for his people, bearing the burden of protecting the Nightstar from the Fey'ri) and I wondered if there is a hit team or something that might take a shot at Araevin should he prove too out of bounds for the Tel'Quessir? Even though Araevin would quickly show any hit team the error of their ways. -Insert evil grin here- Is there any lore that would detail this or is this possibility kinda detailed like the hunting down of any mage that even mentions 'Killing Storm' or 'Nether Scrolls'?

The Wandering Mage
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

129 Posts

Posted - 12 Oct 2006 :  21:15:32  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I don't see Evermeet's High Mages putting out a contract on Araevin unless he does something that is insanely reckless or dangerous. For example, if Araevin got it into his head to start mass-producing new High Mages of the Aryvandaaran tradition by sharing the Nightstar's lore with anybody who came along, the Evermeet High Mages might be forced to do something. But Araevin certainly knows that it's darned dangerous knowledge, so I just don't see him doing something like that.

Originally posted by Wandering_mage

It's only fair that they cover Faerun. Is there a more detailed campaign setting to match it? I say nay! Now with that said a question for Rich, and I promise I will stop after this question. Concerning Araevin's study of High Magic I am slightly expecting a controlling action to occur on the behalf of Tower Reilloch. The danger of a "self taught" (selukiira helping out a lot) High Mage kinda makes Araevin a wild card. I'm really relating to everything Araevin is about (self-sacrifice for his people, bearing the burden of protecting the Nightstar from the Fey'ri) and I wondered if there is a hit team or something that might take a shot at Araevin should he prove too out of bounds for the Tel'Quessir? Even though Araevin would quickly show any hit team the error of their ways. -Insert evil grin here- Is there any lore that would detail this or is this possibility kinda detailed like the hunting down of any mage that even mentions 'Killing Storm' or 'Nether Scrolls'?

Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Beirnadri Magranth
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 12 Oct 2006 :  21:34:09  Show Profile  Visit Beirnadri Magranth's Homepage Send Beirnadri Magranth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Didn't he also abandon his goal of being tutored there. I mean it seemed pretty clear how uncomfortable he made his former masters. They even feared him.

"You came here to be a martyr in a great big bang of glory... instead you will die with a whimper."
::moussaoui tries to interrupt::
"You will never get a chance to speak again and that's an appropriate ending."

-Judge Brinkema
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 13 Oct 2006 :  22:21:40  Show Profile Send WalkerNinja a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Besides, direct action (like sponsoring assassaination) isn't exactly elven style. Probably they would debate about it for a few years, systematically proposing, debating, and weighing every possible option including the four favorite solutions of the Elven People:

1) We'll ignore it. Its probably inferior (all evidence to the contrary) and will die before we hit middle age.

2)Let's imprison it with wards so that we won't have to deal with it, but a future generation (that is less informed about the threat than we) will have to deal with it instead.

3)HOLY CRAP! Kill it! Make it die! Destroy an entire nation or make a new desert if you have to! Just make it DIIIIE!


4)Ah hell, this place sucks. Lets just go somewhere else, like an island, or a phantom dimension of our own design. The suckiness of this place won't find us there, and we can always come back and visit in a few thousand years and pretend its our first time there (ahem ahem star elves ahem).

*** A Forgotten Realms Addict since 1990 ***
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 16 Oct 2006 :  21:38:09  Show Profile  Visit Wandering_mage's Homepage Send Wandering_mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just finished the second book and wow! Araevin is bringing so much to the book. His progress details the long and well prepared revenge of a pissed off Elven mage.

I am loving your use of some military terms during the big battle sequences and the manuevering before and after. It's like looking back at battles like Gettysburg and Waterloo. You really capture the details involved in the planning and execution without losing your audience. Bravo!

Now I have to get the final book and prepare myself for what I assume will be a fantastic standoff. Great job Rich!

The Wandering Mage
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 17 Oct 2006 :  04:23:21  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wandering_mage

Now I have to get the final book and prepare myself for what I assume will be a fantastic standoff. Great job Rich!

...which I am going to finish off in the next day or two. Enough boards now, I've got a book to read, and last time I stopped Araevin was tearing a hole in time and space, seriously messing things up!

Mod Edit: Removed offensive language.

Edited by - The Sage on 17 Oct 2006 04:47:40
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 18 Oct 2006 :  02:51:20  Show Profile  Visit Wandering_mage's Homepage Send Wandering_mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ok, I bought the last book. Wow, I am so excited! I haven't been this hyped about an elven wizard since reading the WotSQ series. You think Pharaun and Araevin would chill together and complain about how nobody gives them any respect or thanks them ever? In fact there is a book in itself! You could write it like the Screwtape letters or some correspondence like book format. That would be great! Then again you are probably hard at work on either an adventure write up, another sourcebook, or another elf oriented novel with tons of warfare and detailed magic. Well, good luck in any case.

The Wandering Mage
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Oct 2006 :  03:21:05  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wandering Mage: sometimes, you're a genius you know. No... most of the time. You rock!

Yes Rich: I would pay DEAR money (i.e. harcover money) to read, "Interview With Two Elf Wizards" (with Pharaun and Araevin each chilling on a comfy stuffed leather chair, drink in one hand and pipe in the other, looking straight a us, i.e. the interviewer NPC, which could be a half-elf bard or perhaps a dispassionate and abrasive Candlekeep monk, who cares not a whit about their fame or success...)
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Chosen of Moradin
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Posted - 18 Oct 2006 :  13:45:35  Show Profile  Visit Chosen of Moradin's Homepage Send Chosen of Moradin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Or worst: the interviewer could be Volo...

Dwarf, DM, husband, and proud of this! :P

twitter: @yuripeixoto
Facebook: yuri.peixoto
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Posted - 18 Oct 2006 :  19:07:15  Show Profile Send WalkerNinja a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was skeptical about that idea at first, but Chosen has sold me. I would pay double hardcover money to see a pair of elf wizards interviewed by Volo.

*** A Forgotten Realms Addict since 1990 ***
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 26 Oct 2006 :  21:05:19  Show Profile  Visit Wandering_mage's Homepage Send Wandering_mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Rich, I just finished the Final Gate series and you deserve a standing ovation Sir. All I can say is WOW.... I mean WOW. You made some epic heroes that have real flavor and have sacrificed all they could for the common good. I like your characterization of Selkirk. That was neat to see. I am amazed by the ending of the series and I have to say that you need to write three more books, that is if you don't mind.

Here is a silly question. In game terms did Araevin slap on the celestial template? Or is he truly something else now?

And another.
Are we going to see anymore of some of the coolest adventuring band in the Realms? And their leader?

And lastly.
What are the ranks of the Evereskan Vale Guard made up of? Are they Elven heavy infantry? Pikemen? Archer slash medium infatry with shock troop morale and experience from the recent war in Evereska (pre-final gate)? I got the feeling that they might be light the English Longbowman of the Hundred Years war. You know, they just do everything well and are vicious opponents.

The Wandering Mage
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

129 Posts

Posted - 27 Oct 2006 :  19:50:54  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the kind words! I'm just now starting to seriously tinker around with outlines for my next trilogy, but it won't really touch on any of the Last Mythal characters; I'm heading off for different parts of Faerun to tell a "smaller" story.

As for your questions...

RE: Araevin. Yes, the rite he performed at the end of "Farthest Reach" made him celestial. The darkest portions of the Aryvandaaran high magic tradition required the practitioner to replace the frailty of his mortal soul with the inflexible "outsider" soul. In game terms, many of those High Magic epic spells have mitigating factors to the effect of "take horrible soul damage if you're not an outsider."

RE: The Evereskans. I think you're right, they're archers and medium infantry. I think just about every elf in a elf army carries a bow. That said, the Vale Guard are probably the heaviest footsoldiers you'll see in an elf army. They're definitely swordsmen first and archers second. And they are also highly, highly experienced after the gruesome struggle against the phaerimm. I think that well-organized elven armies are probably the best "combined arms" forces in the world, using magic, archery, cavalry, and infantry quite skillfully to cut enemy armies to ribbons. Sort of like the early Byzantines that way, I guess.

Originally posted by Wandering_mage

Rich, I just finished the Final Gate series and you deserve a standing ovation Sir. All I can say is WOW.... I mean WOW. You made some epic heroes that have real flavor and have sacrificed all they could for the common good. I like your characterization of Selkirk. That was neat to see. I am amazed by the ending of the series and I have to say that you need to write three more books, that is if you don't mind.

Here is a silly question. In game terms did Araevin slap on the celestial template? Or is he truly something else now?

And another.
Are we going to see anymore of some of the coolest adventuring band in the Realms? And their leader?

And lastly.
What are the ranks of the Evereskan Vale Guard made up of? Are they Elven heavy infantry? Pikemen? Archer slash medium infatry with shock troop morale and experience from the recent war in Evereska (pre-final gate)? I got the feeling that they might be light the English Longbowman of the Hundred Years war. You know, they just do everything well and are vicious opponents.

Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Posted - 27 Oct 2006 :  20:04:58  Show Profile Send Kuje a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hi Richard,

I'm not sure if you can help me but there's 5 NPC's in Lost Empires that were never named and so I was looking for the names of these 5 NPC's.

They are:

At least 21st level Wizard. High Mage, Male Moon Elf Lich, Resides in the ruins of Shantar Othreier, Lost Empires of Faerun

5th Ranger/2nd Sorcerer Male Half-Green Dragon/Half-Wood Elf, NE, Offers the opportunity to question Chloracridara if they can meet her price, Lost Empires of Faerun

13th Wizard, Moon Elf Baelnorn, LG, One of the guardians of Reluraun's Tomb, Lost Empires of Faerun
13th Wizard, Moon Elf Baelnorn, LG, One of the guardians of Reluraun's Tomb, Lost Empires of Faerun
13th Wizard, Moon Elf Baelnorn, LG, One of the guardians of Reluraun's Tomb, Lost Empires of Faerun

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