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Master of Realmslore

1564 Posts

Posted - 01 Mar 2007 :  22:48:04  Show Profile  Visit Asgetrion's Homepage Send Asgetrion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hmmm... I'm guessing that our characters will once again venture into the dread lair of Halaster (whether they want it or not ;)

Our DM seemed almost TOO pleased to hear that you and Ed are two of the authors (hey, we still haven't finished those evil and fiendish Dungeon modules you wrote! )

"What am I doing today? Ask me tomorrow - I can be sure of giving you the right answer then."
-- Askarran of Selgaunt, Master Sage, speaking to a curious merchant, Year of the Helm
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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 01 Mar 2007 :  23:04:01  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen


The Dungeon 125 (?) enhancement mentions Kyuss's city in Chult. I can find the general vicinity where it should be, but none of the maps which I have (including the one from Jungles of Chult) show it. Is there a map showing its location, and where is it, prithee?

No. But Kuluth-Mar is 'somewhere' in eastern Chult... place it where you want. What you need are the Dungeon #130 notes, where Eric states that:
"In the Year of Reverent Threnody (–653 dr),
a Tabaxi (Flan) named Kyuss and his followers
fled Mezro for the Chultengar, a dark region
on the eastern border of the Jungle of Chult.
There Kyuss founded the city of Kuluth-
Mar, based upon the worship of a six-armed
god of death named Jergal (Nerull). After his
followers found the plates that spoke of the
Age of Worms, Kyuss received the spellweaver
lich who gave him the gift of a single green
worm and built the Spire of Long Shadows.
Further details on the history of the
Chultan peninsula and the inhabitants of the
Chultengar are given in Serpent Kingdoms."

[quote]I thank in advance those who will help me through this. I have never run an "adventure path" before, and trying to integrate it into a "regular" Realms campaign is going to be difficult, so please indulge my questions if I ask something whose answer is plainly stated in one magazine article or another -- I may not have it yet, but would appreciate being referred to it.

Much graces!

I have run the Age of Worms adventure path for more than a year now... I found that integrating the adventure path into my existing campaign was not hard at all, the opposite in fact. My party is actually up to level 14 now and are entering the Spire of Long Shadows... so far they had a big scare (I had the welcoming party there almost kill the ranger and wizard, who were scouting the place while invisible AND flying! but hey: they landed! all bets were off!)


My question about "the city" was for Kuluth-Mar primarily (I take it that I'm not missing something if I don't have a map for it in my Dungeon and Dragon collection), but in Eric's "Spire of Long Shadows" adaptation for the Realms, I think he mentions another city (in the area east of Chult -- Tharsult, is it?), and that Kuluth-Mar stands between it and Chult. That's the city I can't find on any TSR/WotC maps. Do you have any idea where that "should" be? It makes a difference in how I set up the campaign if that city is on the north side of the (really wide) isthumus, or the south side.

Apropos of GMing, I have started cutting out pictures from travel brochures which I intend to show my players when they reach a certain area, so that they can get a better idea of the terrain than I might be able to describe. I was lucky in finding a short (but ten inches wide!) picture of a tropical beach. Guess what they'll see when they reach Refuge Bay?

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 01 Mar 2007 :  23:25:34  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen

My question about "the city" was for Kuluth-Mar primarily (I take it that I'm not missing something if I don't have a map for it in my Dungeon and Dragon collection), but in Eric's "Spire of Long Shadows" adaptation for the Realms, I think he mentions another city (in the area east of Chult -- Tharsult, is it?), and that Kuluth-Mar stands between it and Chult. That's the city I can't find on any TSR/WotC maps. Do you have any idea where that "should" be? It makes a difference in how I set up the campaign if that city is on the north side of the (really wide) isthumus, or the south side.

The city is Tashluta, on the north coast of the Tashalar. (Tharsult it the large island in the middle of the Shining Sea north of the Tashalar.)

It's shown on the map I linked to above.


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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 02 Mar 2007 :  20:34:42  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen

My question about "the city" was for Kuluth-Mar primarily (I take it that I'm not missing something if I don't have a map for it in my Dungeon and Dragon collection), but in Eric's "Spire of Long Shadows" adaptation for the Realms, I think he mentions another city (in the area east of Chult -- Tharsult, is it?), and that Kuluth-Mar stands between it and Chult. That's the city I can't find on any TSR/WotC maps. Do you have any idea where that "should" be? It makes a difference in how I set up the campaign if that city is on the north side of the (really wide) isthumus, or the south side.

The city is Tashluta, on the north coast of the Tashalar. (Tharsult it the large island in the middle of the Shining Sea north of the Tashalar.)

It's shown on the map I linked to above.


Awww ... kewl! The map wouldn't load yesterday, but I just saw it. It's wonderful. Are there other maps like that on the WotC site? I couldn't backtrack the URL to find others.

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 03 Mar 2007 :  10:44:49  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen
Are there other maps like that on the WotC site? I couldn't backtrack the URL to find others.

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Senior Scribe

596 Posts

Posted - 03 Mar 2007 :  15:37:30  Show Profile  Visit Sian's Homepage Send Sian a Private Message  Reply with Quote
if you can't find answers of my questions of the Ammarindar Royal line who else would be able to take a fair shot at it without landing in the wrong trail? ... other than Ed it is, since he is to busy :P .... we shouldn't overload that poor fella

what happened to the queen? she's much more hysterical than usual
She's a women, it happens once a month
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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 03 Mar 2007 :  19:01:07  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen
Are there other maps like that on the WotC site? I couldn't backtrack the URL to find others.

Ah, Eric, you're a goddess-send! One would almost think that you worked for Wizards, you know your way around so well.

That link is going to save me A LOT of work in my campaign. Many, many thanks for it!

(For the benefit of other seekers, the SK maps are in the Map A Week section, not in the Map Archive.)

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

Edited by - Jamallo Kreen on 03 Mar 2007 19:30:43
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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 07 Mar 2007 :  03:30:34  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Bwimb? Gormauth Souldrinker?

Eric, I must ask: who or what was "Bwimb," (dead) ally of Ghaunadaur, according to TSR 9585, Demi-Human Deities, and have we learned any more lore about "Gormauth Souldrinker" since that volume was published?

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 07 Mar 2007 :  14:13:58  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen

Bwimb? Gormauth Souldrinker?

Eric, I must ask: who or what was "Bwimb," (dead) ally of Ghaunadaur, according to TSR 9585, Demi-Human Deities, and have we learned any more lore about "Gormauth Souldrinker" since that volume was published?

Bwimb comes from Dead Gods (Planescape 2e). Basically the former Grumbar of ooze.

Gormauth Souldrinker is an alternate name for Gargauth. See Powers & Pantheons and Faiths & Pantheons. I think that alias comes from either Code of the Harpers or an old short story by Ed. (The one set in the Tunlands, near that bridge.)



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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 07 Mar 2007 :  14:38:16  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As I recall, 'Gormauth Souldrinker' was originally referenced in the Ghaunadaur write-up for Ed's Drow of the Underdark.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 07 Mar 2007 :  18:35:44  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Sage

As I recall, 'Gormauth Souldrinker' was originally referenced in the Ghaunadaur write-up for Ed's Drow of the Underdark.

I consulted the on-line index of the Realms (referenced on page 15 or 16 of Ed's 2007 scroll), and Gormauth is listed as being in Drow of the Underdark -- which I don't have, so any and all lore is helpful.

"Bwimb" also shows up as a placename in Planescape. I take it that Bwimb and "our" Bwimb are different ... except that dead gods have a habit of becoming "places!"

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 13 Mar 2007 :  23:38:09  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well met, all!

I have finally acquired the 3E City of Splendors book, and I have a lot of questions relating to it. Others may have asked some of these already, so, to spare Eric, please post the answer if he's given it before and you know it. Many thanks to ye!

Here are my first questions:

1. What has become of Sangalor? He was written up fairly thoroughly in "the old boxed set," but I saw no mention of him in this book. If I just overlooked him, on what page is he referenced?

2. Where exactly are the offices of Tym Waterdeep, Ltd., publisher of the two Volos? Has Justin Tym been statted for 3rd edition?

3. What in Toril is the story behind Aznar Thrul (currently Zulkir of Evocation and Tharcion of Bezantur), having been a student of the Blackstaff ?! (Page 24.) How in Toril did Khelben and Laeral allow someone like *him* to become a student of theirs, and what does The Simbul think of her nearest Thayan neighbor having been trained by her sister and brother-in-law? In what product is this amazing story related?

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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Great Reader

7915 Posts

Posted - 13 Mar 2007 :  23:41:46  Show Profile Send Kuje a Private Message  Reply with Quote
1) If you mean the mind flayer, he is in there in the Skullport section under the NPC's list.

2) Justin hasn't been updated as far as I know, based on my NPC list for 3/3.5e. Course, that list isn't complete yet but Waterdeep was added awhile ago.

For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet and excite you... Books are full of the things that you don't get in real life - wonderful, lyrical language, for instance, right off the bat. - Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium
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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 13 Mar 2007 :  23:45:14  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Still pursuing my questions about The Age of Worms, I hope that smeone can clear up something else about Kyuss for me. (I can't see running the adventure path for a year if the PCs stand no chance against the Big Bad!) Kyuss has immunities up the wazoo, but he is vulnerable to /Epic. Would a Dread weapon affect him with ts its +4d6 damage if it was of the proper type? As to its type, is Kyuss an Evil Outsider? He is listed in Dragon as a CE Extraplanar Aberration, but does his extraplanar type make him a de facto outsider? I have looked up the definition of "extraplanar" in the MM__, but it was of no help in regard to an aberrant, evil godling who is native to Toril (which begs the question, how is he then "extraplanar"?).

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31797 Posts

Posted - 14 Mar 2007 :  00:29:23  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen

3. What in Toril is the story behind Aznar Thrul (currently Zulkir of Evocation and Tharcion of Bezantur), having been a student of the Blackstaff ?! (Page 24.) How in Toril did Khelben and Laeral allow someone like *him* to become a student of theirs, and what does The Simbul think of her nearest Thayan neighbor having been trained by her sister and brother-in-law? In what product is this amazing story related?
While I know Eric probably has something he can share with us about this, I'm also thinking Sage Schend has his own thoughts on this particular tidbit.

Jamallo, you may want to ask this of Steven as well.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

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Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Learned Scribe

138 Posts

Posted - 14 Mar 2007 :  01:28:05  Show Profile  Visit Octa's Homepage Send Octa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
An answer first:

Jamallo: a +4 aberration bane weapon will get you up to epic, since the added +2 from the bane weapon ability is an enhancement bonus.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 14 Mar 2007 :  01:32:41  Show Profile  Visit Octa's Homepage Send Octa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Eric- I am just wondering why you didn't make Kyuss into Moander? They only differ by one domain. Was it just to stay off the beaten path of the Dalelands so to speak and turning the AoW into a surreptitious RSE, or did you think the flavor really mismatched that much.

Personally the Darkwatch being the Tabernacle of Worms makes an awful lot of sense to me.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 14 Mar 2007 :  01:36:44  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen

3. What in Toril is the story behind Aznar Thrul (currently Zulkir of Evocation and Tharcion of Bezantur), having been a student of the Blackstaff ?! (Page 24.) How in Toril did Khelben and Laeral allow someone like *him* to become a student of theirs, and what does The Simbul think of her nearest Thayan neighbor having been trained by her sister and brother-in-law? In what product is this amazing story related?

This story first appears in Powers & Pantheons in the Flaming Brazier write-up (temples at the end of the book).


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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 14 Mar 2007 :  01:39:10  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Octa

Eric- I am just wondering why you didn't make Kyuss into Moander? They only differ by one domain. Was it just to stay off the beaten path of the Dalelands so to speak and turning the AoW into a surreptitious RSE, or did you think the flavor really mismatched that much.

Personally the Darkwatch being the Tabernacle of Worms makes an awful lot of sense to me.

Sounds reasonable. The only problem I see is that Moander has been wandering around the Realms in the past few years, so he's not all that mysterious and his imprisonment was very short.

Part of my conversion has to stay true to what Paizo wants in terms of objectives. Keeping Kyuss the focus (and not renaming him) was more consistent with their goals. Plus, I think it works fine to make Kyuss an obscure Chultan godling.


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Learned Scribe

138 Posts

Posted - 14 Mar 2007 :  20:51:58  Show Profile  Visit Octa's Homepage Send Octa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Eric- Two quick questions.

Thanks for the Kyuss-Moander reply.

1, Is it assumed that the followers you get with the leadership feat, come equiped as an NPC or their level?

2, How do you reconcile the numbers in PoF with the DMG. The FRCS says that cities are surrounded by 10x their population in the surrounding area, so say Neverwinter has a population of about 24,000, and it incuding the area in its sphere of influence is 240,000 people, do I take the NPC numbers for Neverwinter Proper from the DMG and multiply them by 10 to get the number of NPCs of the various classes and numbers, or does the calculation for the city assume that the countryside is NPC poor and so you don't multiply by 10. So on this calculation if you recruited a 100 1st clerics with your leadership feat, that might be every 1st level cleric in all of the cities in the entire region.

Given this should players be restricted to NPC classes when using the Leadership Feat?
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 14 Mar 2007 :  22:31:23  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Octa

Eric- Two quick questions.

Thanks for the Kyuss-Moander reply.

1, Is it assumed that the followers you get with the leadership feat, come equiped as an NPC or their level?

AFAIK, they come equipped as appropriate for an NPC of their level. Doublecheck the wording in the DMG.

2, How do you reconcile the numbers in PoF with the DMG. The FRCS says that cities are surrounded by 10x their population in the surrounding area, so say Neverwinter has a population of about 24,000, and it incuding the area in its sphere of influence is 240,000 people, do I take the NPC numbers for Neverwinter Proper from the DMG and multiply them by 10 to get the number of NPCs of the various classes and numbers, or does the calculation for the city assume that the countryside is NPC poor and so you don't multiply by 10. So on this calculation if you recruited a 100 1st clerics with your leadership feat, that might be every 1st level cleric in all of the cities in the entire region.

I think you treat any population like a population. I don't know of any reason in the rules to treat a countryside different from a city.

Given this should players be restricted to NPC classes when using the Leadership Feat?

Unless it says so in the DMG, no.



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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 14 Mar 2007 :  22:33:50  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Asgetrion

Hmmm... I'm guessing that our characters will once again venture into the dread lair of Halaster (whether they want it or not ;)

Our DM seemed almost TOO pleased to hear that you and Ed are two of the authors (hey, we still haven't finished those evil and fiendish Dungeon modules you wrote! )

Hope you enjoy it! It was fun to write. Tell your DM to look at the Castle Greyhawk stuff too, depending on the level of your PCs. Heresy I know, but I'm sure he/she could loot from there as well very effectively.


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Senior Scribe

577 Posts

Posted - 14 Mar 2007 :  23:13:23  Show Profile Send WalkerNinja a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey Eric, I was wondering if, as one of the authors of the new supermodules series, you could clear up a tiny debate.

Is the existence of the Shadow Weave well known among spell casters, or just the elite clergy of Mystra? There's a couple of yahoos on the WotC boards that are chasing their tails over how wide spread knowledge of the Shadow Weave is, and its sorta got me wondering.

*** A Forgotten Realms Addict since 1990 ***
Treasures of the Past, a Second Edition Play-by-Post game for and by Candlekeep Sages--
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

1796 Posts

Posted - 15 Mar 2007 :  01:44:31  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Octa

An answer first:

Jamallo: a +4 aberration bane weapon will get you up to epic, since the added +2 from the bane weapon ability is an enhancement bonus.

Bane is a +1 ability, not +2. Holy and Unholy are +2.
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Great Reader

4607 Posts

Posted - 15 Mar 2007 :  05:49:18  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by Dargoth

Eric what level should players be to go through Expedition to Undermountain?

I can't really answer that question until they post more info about it.

Will there be Dungeon Magazine style scaling advice for the module?

I don't know. I didn't write any.


Hey Eric all the other Expedition to X modules coming out this year (Greyhawk and Demon web) have the levels already listed on Wizards product page. Any chance you can speak to someone over at Wizards about releasing the info?

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Mar 2007 :  18:44:43  Show Profile  Visit Octa's Homepage Send Octa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Eric- That makes more sense, I guess the key is to split the population up properly between Thorps, Villages, etc... If I come up with a usefull chart or something I'll send it along.

Have you ever used the book: The Magical Medievel Society by some non-WoTC publisher, and would you recommend it or give it a thumbs down.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2007 :  23:12:56  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've only skimmed it, but it looked interesting. Ed or Steven have read it, IIRC.


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Posted - 19 Mar 2007 :  23:37:42  Show Profile  Visit Faraer's Homepage Send Faraer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'd also recommend Gary Gygax's Living Fantasy, which covers some similar ground. Neither is directly applicable to the Realms.
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32 Posts

Posted - 24 Mar 2007 :  23:18:58  Show Profile  Visit maelstrom58's Homepage Send maelstrom58 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hi Eric! First I'd like to say that the work you have done on too many Realms products to mention is terrific; keep up the good work!

Because you've already told me that you really fleshed out Lapaliiya for Serpent Kingdoms, I would like to start the first in a long series of questions.

First off, what does Lapaliiya really look like? I always imagine the nation as a virtual wilderness of scattered jungle once you get away from the cities and the plantations clustered around them, because I see the various cities as too militarily weak to really patrol outside their individual bounds. I would really appreciate it if you could provide me with a real-world analogy of the terrain, if it's at all possible.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 06 Apr 2007 :  19:07:27  Show Profile  Visit turox's Homepage Send turox a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey Eric just wanted to let you know that I picked up Dragon 354 yesterday and the timeline in it was amazing. Thanks for helping get us caught up to speed and straightened out. The only downside is that now you can't hang out in the Old Skull Inn. I was going to buy you a drink the next time you were there but I guess now we will have to go somewhere else. (Really got a kick of that little "note" at the end of the article.) Let us know if you would like for us to create a webpoll to get you reinstated back in the Old Skull Inn. I'm sure that we would be happy to try and make that happen. (or at least I will.)

Turox Antas Dragonslayer -
"People will believe anything they want to believe, or fear to believe."
Wizard's First Rule: Chapter 36, Page #397, US Hard Cover (revealed by Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander).
Explanation by Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander: "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People’s heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool."
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