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 Is anyone going to try and run a FR Age of Worms?
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Posted - 30 May 2005 :  17:03:02  Show Profile  Visit KnightErrantJR's Homepage Send KnightErrantJR a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I actually really like the concept and the information given in the opening chapter of this Adventure Path in Dungeon Magazine, but even though I have not seen the FR Conversion tips that are going to be given yet, such conversion tips tend to be of the "Substitute Tyr for St. Cuthbert" and "Substitute Waterdeep for the Free City" variety that I don't think really do justice to either the original material or the campagin setting.

Kyuss is as much a part of Greyhawk as Velsharoon is to FR, and worms and such are related to him and not to Velsharoon, or Orcus, or what have you.

I am thinking of running this as the campaign for my kids, but I may have them make up new 1st level characters in the "default" setting to start it over again. I want them to have an epic overall campaign, but I have been having a hard time juggling what I want them to do with my regular group (who are about to go into a mega campaign with the Shadovar).

Is anyone else going to run this, and are you going to convert it to the Realms?

Chosen of Bane
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Posted - 30 May 2005 :  17:14:10  Show Profile  Visit Chosen of Bane's Homepage Send Chosen of Bane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My DM is planning on running this adventure path for us in the Realms when we finish the Shackled City adventure path, which we have also set in the realms.

I don't know anything about it because I'm going to be a PC not the DM but maybe I'll get him to post on here what he plans to do.

We are a little over half way through Shackled City right now. Although he has converted all of the deities and such to FR it still does not have a distinct FR feel too it. He has made efforts to seem more FR friendly, like inserting Harpers and having a side quest to the Anauroch for a time, but other than that it seems to be a generic adventure without a realms feel. I am having a lot of fun with it though so I cannot complain.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 31 May 2005 :  05:57:49  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Erik Mona has asked me to write tips on how to convert each adventure to the Realms. I have about 1,000 words to work with per adventure, so the emphasis will be on Realms analogues, not replacing stats, etc.

That said, I think I've come up with a suitably epic plot that fits well with the Realms and explains a long unexplained mystery.

The first sidebar will appear on the paizo website, I believe.


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Prince Forge of Avalon
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Posted - 31 May 2005 :  07:06:07  Show Profile  Visit Prince Forge of Avalon's Homepage Send Prince Forge of Avalon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sweet SWEET Go Eric GO!
Looking forward to it!!

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Posted - 31 May 2005 :  12:22:02  Show Profile  Visit KnightErrantJR's Homepage Send KnightErrantJR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Eric, if anyone can get it to feel more like the Realms in a sidebar, I am glad they got you to do it. I will definately be looking into your notes.
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Posted - 31 May 2005 :  12:38:46  Show Profile  Visit Snotlord's Homepage Send Snotlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mona has asked me to write tips on how to convert each adventure to the Realms.

Mona continues to impress me

Say Eric, can you give us any hints on where the Age of Worms is to be set? Waterdeep, elsewhere, or all over the place?

I am itching to start a campaign based on Waterdeep, LeoF and the Last Mythal books.

Thank you.
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Posted - 31 May 2005 :  13:38:37  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Then you are in luck because Eric is currently working on a 3 part series of Dungeon modules set in Waterdeep

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Wooly Rupert
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Posted - 31 May 2005 :  17:15:26  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth

Then you are in luck because Eric is currently working on a 3 part series of Dungeon modules set in Waterdeep

...Which means I'll be picking up my first issues of Dungeon in quite some time. Does anyone know when (issue-wise) this arc is to start?

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Posted - 31 May 2005 :  20:01:00  Show Profile  Visit Reefy's Homepage Send Reefy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Dargoth

Then you are in luck because Eric is currently working on a 3 part series of Dungeon modules set in Waterdeep

...Which means I'll be picking up my first issues of Dungeon in quite some time. Does anyone know when (issue-wise) this arc is to start?

I'm sure it has been mentioned on here previously. The numbers I have in my head are 126, 127 and 128 for the series but I'm not certain. One of our other sages can probably confirm or deny this.

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The Sage
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Posted - 01 Jun 2005 :  02:40:17  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Dargoth

Then you are in luck because Eric is currently working on a 3 part series of Dungeon modules set in Waterdeep

...Which means I'll be picking up my first issues of Dungeon in quite some time. Does anyone know when (issue-wise) this arc is to start?

That goes for me as well. Along with Ed's new articles for Dragon as well, this will be the first time in a long time that I'll be picking up successive issues of each magazine.

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Edited by - The Sage on 01 Jun 2005 02:41:06
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Posted - 01 Jun 2005 :  03:01:22  Show Profile  Visit KnightErrantJR's Homepage Send KnightErrantJR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Honestly, even before the new Realms items started up again, I really have to save the quality in both magazines has gone up dramatically in the last year.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 03 Jun 2005 :  14:03:08  Show Profile  Visit Xysma's Homepage Send Xysma a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Honestly, even before the new Realms items started up again, I really have to save the quality in both magazines has gone up dramatically in the last year.

I agree. I never gave up on Dragon, but I did let my subscription to Dungeon expire early last year. However, if the return to Realms based campaigns like we saw in issue 121 continues, I'll have to reconsider.

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Posted - 09 Jun 2005 :  03:15:24  Show Profile  Visit KnightErrantJR's Homepage Send KnightErrantJR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Eric L Boyd is a genius! The FR conversion to the first part of the Age of Worms is up on Paizo's site. I was worried about Diamond Lake being pasted onto Waterdeep like its always been there, and just having the X=Y deity names.

Eric reworked Daggerford into the story. Without ruining it, in this alternate timeline Daggerford has hit some tough times and has fallen "under new management." Instead of choosing the obvious deity conversions, he has come up with new cults as well as using deities that make sense setting wise and not just alignment wise.

It may seem minor, but best of all is the fact that Eric reworked a lot of the "Oerth" sounding names into properly "Realmsian" names. Its great, and now a lot of the names won't snap me out of my Torilian suspension of disbelief.

But it will be a side venture, as some of what is going on in the campaign and in the conversion I wouldn't want to happen in my "regular" campaign.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 10 Jun 2005 :  16:14:07  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Eric L Boyd is a genius! The FR conversion to the first part of the Age of Worms is up on Paizo's site. I was worried about Diamond Lake being pasted onto Waterdeep like its always been there, and just having the X=Y deity names.

Eric reworked Daggerford into the story. Without ruining it, in this alternate timeline Daggerford has hit some tough times and has fallen "under new management." Instead of choosing the obvious deity conversions, he has come up with new cults as well as using deities that make sense setting wise and not just alignment wise.

It may seem minor, but best of all is the fact that Eric reworked a lot of the "Oerth" sounding names into properly "Realmsian" names. Its great, and now a lot of the names won't snap me out of my Torilian suspension of disbelief.

But it will be a side venture, as some of what is going on in the campaign and in the conversion I wouldn't want to happen in my "regular" campaign.

Glad you liked it. I hope folks will enjoy the conversions going forward. Pay special attention to the paragraph discussing the Ebon Triad in the Realms, as that hints where the Realms-version of the Age of Worms is headed.


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Posted - 11 Jun 2005 :  12:38:30  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Eric L Boyd is a genius! The FR conversion to the first part of the Age of Worms is up on Paizo's site.

Anyone have a direct link?
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Posted - 11 Jun 2005 :  13:24:39  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Eric L Boyd is a genius! The FR conversion to the first part of the Age of Worms is up on Paizo's site.

Anyone have a direct link?

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Posted - 22 Aug 2005 :  23:33:50  Show Profile  Visit Snotlord's Homepage Send Snotlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm curious: Why does Daggerford have to become darker?

Diamond Lake is dark and gritty. Is it important to change Daggerford to match Diamond Lake, meaning we break the Age of Worms plot by keeping Daggerford as it is?
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Slash Scarsmith

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Posted - 23 Aug 2005 :  01:41:22  Show Profile  Visit Slash Scarsmith's Homepage Send Slash Scarsmith a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This sounds interesting, would somebody mind giving me some more information about both the Age of Worms in general (what levels, how many adventures, what sort of feel etc) and the adventure(s) released so far? Thanks.
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Posted - 23 Aug 2005 :  02:09:31  Show Profile  Visit KnightErrantJR's Homepage Send KnightErrantJR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Actually, rather than try to use my own words to sum up a campaign designed to go from 1 to 20th level, let me give you the link to the downloadable campaign overview, which should give you the tone and the outlines for what is going to happen in the story line:

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 23 Aug 2005 :  02:14:23  Show Profile  Visit warlockco's Homepage Send warlockco a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Gah, I need to update my NPCs of Daggerford now, with this new information.

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Posted - 23 Aug 2005 :  02:41:38  Show Profile  Visit KnightErrantJR's Homepage Send KnightErrantJR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As to my opinion of the currently published adventures, how all of it is going, etc.

I am running this adventure at home for my kids, mainly so that I have a more or less ready made campaign for them when I have my daughter and my step kids at home on the same weekend and all. As such, I am not converting this to run in Forgotten Realms, dispite the fact that Eric's conversion is very compelling.

I am, however keeping track of Eric's conversion, becuase I may make use of some of his ideas, especially about Jergal and his puppeteering when it comes to the manipulation of the cultists from teh early part of the adventures, etc. I was also interested in some of the changes to Daggerford, and I may make use of some of them.

Snotlord, I still contend that if you want Daggerford to return to a semblance of "normal," you can have the Lord of Daggerdale actually a prisoner that the PCs managed to free at some later point in the campaign, and the newer, darker businesses can slowly fade as the Lords of Waterdeep and the leaders of Daggerford clamp down on them.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 23 Aug 2005 :  04:42:11  Show Profile  Visit warlockco's Homepage Send warlockco a Private Message  Reply with Quote
One thing I did notice about the Daggerford changes, they are NOT Canon. Which makes me feel a good deal better.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 23 Aug 2005 :  10:07:22  Show Profile  Visit Asgetrion's Homepage Send Asgetrion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well met!

We are playing the 'Age of Worms'-campaign set in Loudwater and its environments. It has worked really well, and I really like the 'cult-theme', since our campaigns have always had various aspects and cults of deities with different goals from the 'primary aspect and his/her followers'.

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Posted - 23 Aug 2005 :  11:03:58  Show Profile  Visit Snotlord's Homepage Send Snotlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Snotlord, I still contend that if you want Daggerford to return to a semblance of "normal," you can have the Lord of Daggerdale actually a prisoner that the PCs managed to free at some later point in the campaign, and the newer, darker businesses can slowly fade as the Lords of Waterdeep and the leaders of Daggerford clamp down on them.

That sounds like a good solution.

I toyed with the idea of demoting any evil rulers of Diamond Lake to wicked merchants working in the setting. After all, good-guys are busy in the realms, and are likely to overlook cultists and worms at first. It should work for the first couple of adventutures, but I am worried it could break later installments of the series.
(Not that it really matters to me, my Age of Worms game is unlikely to start this year, if every, but I am curious.)

Edited by - Snotlord on 23 Aug 2005 23:33:53
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Posted - 23 Aug 2005 :  22:20:14  Show Profile  Visit Beppe63's Homepage Send Beppe63 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well met!

Thanks to KnightErrantJR I have found this tread and I want post some questions about Age of Worms:

I have read the first two adventures of this, IMHO, beautiful campaign on the Dungeon magazine and I would like to insert them in my ongoing campaign settled in the Realms. I have yet found the "Overload" supplement on the Paizo web page, and this well done document insert the campaign in the city of Daggerford and then in the city of Waterdeep.

Now, my problems are two:

1) The PCs of my campaign are in the Dalelands (Archendale). Any helpful idea for insert the campaign more near or to transport quickly the PCs near Daggerford? I have yet thinked to use a dimension door, a teleport or other similar thing, but have you any intriguing idea to involve the PCs in plausible way?

2) The PCs are 4th-5th level native of different places fo Faerun (nobody from Daggerford vicinity), no problem to scaling the adventure's level, but the "Worms" campaign presume PCs of 1st level native of Daggerford! Any ideas to involve them?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Posted - 23 Aug 2005 :  22:33:08  Show Profile  Visit KnightErrantJR's Homepage Send KnightErrantJR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think that once the PCs start finding out some instances of conpiracy, it won't really matter where they are from. I think that the Daggerford starting point is just a means of making sure that the PCs don't just wander off instead of staying in the area to investigate some of the mysterious goings on.

There could be a side adventure that you make up, where members of the Ebon Triad are looking for some artifact or ancient journal in the wilderness near Archendale, and your PCs will end up finding them, and then the portal that leads to the environs around Daggerford (hey, its the Realms, why not use some portals?)

The other thing that I am wondering . . . your PCs might be from Archendale, but if at all possible, they might have relations, cousins, uncle, etc. that live in Daggerford. If you have the PCs run into their relative, it might give them an impetus to stay and investigate the area for the relative's sake.

I might be able to brainstorm some more with you if you fill me in on where in Faerun the PCs are from, what race, class, etc that they are.

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Posted - 23 Aug 2005 :  23:40:29  Show Profile  Visit Snotlord's Homepage Send Snotlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

(hey, its the Realms, why not use some portals?)

Let say the cultists of the Ebon Triad has a small plot going on in the Dalelands. A nice damp dungeon, some worms and a one-way portal that leads to Daggerford (and collapsing hallways if you really want to railroad the characters to Daggerford).

Good luck!
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Posted - 25 Aug 2005 :  19:13:59  Show Profile  Visit KnightErrantJR's Homepage Send KnightErrantJR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey if its not too late for any of you that are still fiddling with making this work in the Realms some ideas occured to me. One of my hangups is likely just my own background, i.e. as a player in a Greyhawk game years ago, I know that Kyuss is intrinsically part of Greyhawk cannon, and I have a hard time dropping him into the Realms. While I would use everything else that Eric has proposed in his Realms conversion, I think that I would make this alteration.

Instead of Kyuss, how about a Mulhorandi pharoah that was at one time the avatar of Set. When he died, he refused to go to the afterlife, and gathered a small cult to elevate him to demigod status. To make himself immortal servants, he developed beetles (rather than worms) that burrow into the skin and create super zombies. The beetles are very small, and difficult to see.

Ashahg-Seti would be the demi god in questions, and he is seeking to become even more powerful by unleashing his power, and in the later adventures, the huge worm things that serve Kyuss could instead be gigantic beetle juggernauts. The spawn of Kyuss would be the children of Ahshahg.

Dragotha could be replaced by the following dragon. Realithrandoviran was a blue dragon that was sacred to the Cult of Tiamat in Unther, but years ago fell out of favor when he came into conflict with Tchazzar, and fled. He ran afoul of a chamber full of Ashahg's beetles, and Ashahg's spirit converted him into a dracolich instead of one of his zombies.

Ashahg could still have been entombed within the black spire that Kyuss was, this time by the Mulhorandi, who did not destroy him outright becuase he still has a spark of Set's power within him.

What does everyone think?
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Posted - 28 Aug 2005 :  19:57:33  Show Profile  Visit Beppe63's Homepage Send Beppe63 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I want to thanks all for the usefull hints, but maybe I have found another way to insert the PCs in the campaign of AoW taken advantage of the Overload conversion of Eric L. Boyd.


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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 29 Aug 2005 :  23:37:55  Show Profile  Visit warlockco's Homepage Send warlockco a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Working on a set of stats for the NPCs of Daggerford to be used with the Age of Worms.

Going over the conversion information right now to made revisions/updates.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 01 Sep 2005 :  03:57:34  Show Profile  Visit warlockco's Homepage Send warlockco a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Have also just found about a dozen or so NPCs from the North boxed set that I missed
So will be adding those. Also asked Eric some questions about a few things. Hope to have it up before the next issue of Dungeon comes out.

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